3 Nuns were killed in a car crash and they arrive in heaven.
Peter is at the gate and says I’m afraid you’re gonna have to answer some questions before you can come in.
So he says to the first one, don’t worry the questions are very easy.
What was the name of the first woman?
She says “Eve “and he says Yep you’re in.
He says to the second one “Where did Eve live”?
She says, “Garden of Eden”
And he says Yep you’re in.
And he says to the third one, which was the Mother Superior,
I’m afraid the question’s gonna have to be a little bit more tricky for you.
He says to her “What did Eve say when she first saw Adam?
And the Mother Superior says ‘Ooh, that's a hard one.
And he says ‘Yep you’re in.
I am so confused. My laptop has a webcam built into it but how do I start a session to go live? I see no links anywhere in my account settings? I really want to join this community.
Wow, no messages since August 13th, not even a reply since the 18th...? Where have we all gone....? I know psychiatrists take vacation in August, but CC members....? Wait, maybe we are ALL psychiatrists.....
Hello everyone, if someone needs company for an evening for a pleasant pastime, then you are in my room)) I will do everything to make you satisfied ....🥰
How are you doing here? Are the characters the same or have the members changed? Internally, I think most of us have changed lately... Haven't been here for a long time... what are you discussing now? ))))))
Hello, people My question is a bit offtop, couldnt find much information on forums so thought i rather ask it here. Anybody knows a good option to withdraw money in usd in Austria, Germany, Poland or Hungary or nearby countries by chance? Ill be thankful for any information, banks and fees, etc.. PM its also welcome if u dont feel like posting in public. Tanks in advance and have a good day.
Direct withdrawl into USD? Never seen such a thing here. It is most likely local currency. You may withdraw in euro and go to normal currency exchanges and buy USD.