General Forum

hostess and members

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RE: hostess and members

Happy Valentine's Day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


RE: hostess and members

Happy Valentine's Day to all!! Good lick with contest! ;)


Who needs a match?

My puzzle is completed, feel free to send the match request, I'll accept right away :P
Open thread


RE: Who needs a match?

wish i could :P


RE: Who needs a match?

I bet :P


Puzzle completed !!

I completed my puzzle , looking for the matching half heart !
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RE: Puzzle completed !!

Same ! Good luck ! x



bravooo boys and girls - congratulation to all winners so far :)
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Open thread


RE: Happy Valentine Day!

in 4 days


RE: Happy Valentine Day!

Hahhah obi it s like Grinch on Christmas:))))))))





RE: Happy Valentine Day!

how so..she literally say happy valentines day...4 days is that me being a vday is 14th


RE: Happy Valentine Day!

yeah, but the V-day of CC started earlier


RE: Happy Valentine Day!

well for that i will be Grinchy McGrinch :P


RE: Happy Valentine Day!



RE: Happy Valentine Day!

Thanks¡ for you too :)


Puffy lips

Does there seem to be more hosts on here lately who have puffy (botox) lips? Personally, most of them put me off, but there again, there are enough girls on here that I am attracted too.
Open thread


RE: Puffy lips

its hyaluronic acid, not botox, not silicone :)
botox its a toxin that paralyze muscules so it prevents the exceed mimic and prevents or even removes wrinkles, but for additional volume its usually hyaluronic acid being used :)
i know you dont come here for that kind of info, but mb youll be interested to know :)


RE: Puffy lips

Wow ME!:)) Edge you should check ME ,if you are looking for natural woman ,she is the most natural I know around here


RE: Puffy lips

sure he cosmethology consulting lol


RE: Puffy lips

Hhahahha,maybe he needs some improvement,never knows


RE: Puffy lips

I definitely could use some enhancements.


RE: Puffy lips

I don’t like them so unattractive I like an all natural girls I have stopped visiting pumped up girls let’s get back to real.


RE: Puffy lips

I would agree :)


RE: Puffy lips

I do very much appreciate the info. :-) I am always willing to learn new things, even at my age.


RE: Puffy lips

It does seem to be a trend and for me not a very attractive one. But to each their own.


RE: Puffy lips

Many girls here say I am very enhanced...LOL


RE: Puffy lips

Many girls say what you want to hear :)))


RE: Puffy lips

Hahahahahahaha, so true


RE: Puffy lips

And just yesterday I was thinking to get mine Puffy ;)


RE: Puffy lips

Natural beats everything ,as the natural ones tend to be more rare now than the puffy ones .....


There is a free way to puff lips

There is a free way to puff lips:
1. find a hive with bees
2. put lips in there
But this method has side effects. If you don't go into anaphylactic shock due to an allergy to bee venom, it's possible that the bees might get lost and inject in the wrong place. For example, on the eyebrow or cheek. Therefore, I recommend choosing only professionally trained bees. Some of them have increased skills and can puff other parts of your body))) Especially recommended Bee Big Dick and Bee Peachy Ass:) They got the highest rate;)
Have fun and good mood;)
Your personal cosmetologists AngelinNoire:)


RE: There is a free way to puff lips

Best reply yet :)


RE: Puffy lips

Yes sorry girls but I do not find it attractive


RE: Puffy lips

Even though I'm not a guy, I totally agree with you Edge. It can look pretty much terrible. I'd never get myself ones. Just like wide eyebrows:)


RE: P�u�f�f�y� �l�i�p�s�

For me, the question is : Does any man REALLY find overly puffy lips attractive? Full lips rather than thin lips are attractive in my book, but if they look like a balloon artist has been going to work on their lips, it for me is a repulsive turn-off. Then again I'm not the most attractive guy around. They don't call me Stud Muffin for nothing. I mean, they don't call me Stud Muffin. Period.



Does anyone knows him? I am worried about him because I haven't seen him for a month... He always here in the site in community chat but never seen him lately... Please let me know if you saw him... Thank you
Open thread


RE: winfield

i saw him in comm chat few days ago :)


RE: winfield

Ohhh I am happy to know that he is okay... Didn't he stay long in comm chat?


a Pet Peeve

Everyone has Pet Peeves... and there are lots of different Pet Peeves.
A big Pet Peeve of mine is to see a profile pick with the host looking at her cell phone.
I just find it annoying to see her looking at her phone.
It means her attention is not with the viewer... her attention is for her phone.
When I join a video i expect he host's attention should only be for me cuz my attention is all for her.
EVERYONE has a phone so looking at a phone does not make the host unique.
Maybe someone can explain to me how the host looking at her phone is somehow "arousing"?
Does anyone else have this same Pet Peeve?
Open thread


RE: a Pet Peeve

cant speak for all the pictures you are referring to but for at least some im assuming the hosts are taking pictures of themselves in a mirror to show themselves rather than thinking let me take a pic of me with my phone





RE: a Pet Peeve

I have no problem with hosts having a phone in their profile pictures. I have a problem when they talk on iy while I am in videos with them. I had a host today who answered her phone (no big deal, it could have been an emergency) but then rejoined me and was obviously distracted from our communication. Of course I left room after telling her why I was leaving.


Model info

Hi. Just wondering if anybody know where host MiaMathers has gone?
Open thread





RE: Model info

Thanks, I will check. She has not replied to my message yet.


RE: Model info

Her bio says she was last online 11 days ago.



If you are looping for à wonderful host you should go and visit Twinkstar

She is so great.
She is such a Nice and sexy woman.
But if you like she can also be a perfect mistress
She is one of a kind
And it Will help her if you visit her room
Open thread


RE: Twinkstar

Thank you


Just felt Weirdo :)

Stars look cold
Sky looks blue
And all of that
reminds me of your ass too .
Open thread


RE: Just felt Weirdo :)

awww how poetic :P


RE: Just felt Weirdo :)

Curiously , who has cold, blue ass? A snowman? )))


RE: Just felt Weirdo :)

Doctor Manhattan maybe haha


RE: Just felt Weirdo :)

LOLL Really looks like a snowman..


RE: Just felt Weirdo :)

I like how all you girls take on line with it ) Ive really mean Showman LOL before write this , ive smack his ass and ive like snowman smile after ahahahahha


members and hostess

still very slow with me no traffic yet...
Open thread





RE: members and hostess

hopefully... good luck to all of us...


RE: members and hostess

Silence by weeks... too many free alternative guys can get for free now... it's not casual January...


RE: members and hostess

Let us just be positive and just always online... Hope it will all get better for us all soon...


RE: members and hostess

I agree with you...traffic is just slow =(


RE: members and hostess

Hope it we get lots of traffic soon... Happy hosting everyone...





RE: members and hostess

I cannot answer from a hosts perspective of course, only as a member.

I for one like a bit of chat first to feel comfortable with the girl. I do not go into private if a girl only gives a one sentence reply in free chat. I think it is good business for you to chat for a "small" amount of time. Of course, not everyone is going to go private with you, but I think that is part of being a cam girl.


RE: members and hostess

Yes of course I entertain even they are just a guess...


RE: members and hostess

yes, generally january is one of those months but things always gets better, in many sites slow but lets be patient xxx hugs



Was anybody a fan or friend of HotLadyyyy01?
Open thread


RE: HotLadyyyy01

I don't know her ,why asking?


Ana juicyfruit

Can anyone please tell me where Ana Juicyfruit is? She was one of the best on here and she just disappeared. I hope she is ok.
Open thread


RE: Ana juicyfruit

yes, she is ok but she is stopped going online


RE: Ana juicyfruit

I'm glad she is okay. I would LOVE to see her. She put on an AMAZING SHOW!! My ALL-TIME FAVORITE!!


RE: Ana juicyfruit

Genuinely interested in what you consider is an "amazing" show. Is it one where she excited you? Was it the way she moved? Was it the way she spoke? Was it what she showed? Was it the way she was nice to you?
Really interested to know your opinion.

Hosts - how do you rate your shows? and what makes you feel that you have given an amazing show to a member?


RE: Ana juicyfruit

I think the reviews that we have on our profiles speak for themselfs.
You must have the ability as a model to read a member well,& give him exactly what he needs..This ofc only with people that you can really ,,click,, with. Some members don't like my ways, some members absolutely love me :)) It's important to stay genuine and don't pretend..because it SHOWS..


Oh my goodness...

I have been on this site for almost 3 years now, working for myself and not for any studio, even though I started out working for a studio many years ago... I had no idea that there was a General Forum for both the hostesses and the members... hahaha Oh my goodness!!!!!!! I feel so silly... ;) I only ever thought there was a Chathost Forum only :) So nice to discover this. You learn something new everyday... lols Happy New Year for everything all!!! Whoop!!! ;)
Open thread


RE: Oh my goodness...

Hahah welcome Sasha!!!Nothing new in here latly


RE: Oh my goodness...

Thanks for the welcome darling! Maybe this is the year that things will have a major change on here... ? hahaha Who knows... ;)


RE: Oh my goodness...

welcome to the forum )


RE: Oh my goodness...

Thank you :)


RE: Oh my goodness...



RE: Oh my goodness...

Welcome to the forum SashaLeeRose


RE: Oh my goodness...

Thanks my lovely... xx


RE: Oh my goodness...

I for one am glad that you introduced yourself here. I have been here 5 years and am surprised that I have never come across you. I look forward to meeting you.


RE: Oh my goodness...

Hi EdgeLover! Maybe you haven't come across me cos you weren't looking hard enough!!! hahahahah ;) Just kidding my love. Thank you and looking forward to meeting you too. Kiss xx


RE: Oh my goodness...

Ek is lief vir jou


Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2023
Open thread


RE: Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year to u Star and to all of you out here :)


RE: Happy New Year!!!

Hope this year it will be more traffic to all of us hostess... More blessings to all the members so that they have something to spend here with us hahahhaha OMG just kidding.... But hoping members and hostess will always have good health...



Open thread


RE: Merry Christmas!

************Merry Christmas for the last day of Christmas !!!**************I hope everybody had a warm and chill Xmas 🎄


RE: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas... Happy Holidays...


Hello I can't see where price per minute is for video chat

Is it displayed somewhere? Thanks.
Open thread


RE: Hello I can't see where price per minute is for video chat

If you click on the button to start a video chat you will see what the prices are. If the person is currently in an open video chat, you will only see that option. If the person is in a 121 chat you won't see anything as they're occupied. If they aren't online you won't be able to click on the video chat button because it'll be grayed out.


RE: Hello I can't see where price per minute is for video chat

It would be great if there was a timer on the screen showing how many minutes you have been in the video so the member could better control how many minutes he wants to spend.


RE: Hello I can't see where price per minute is for video chat

Well alternately the chat itself has time stamps on it so you can see at what point you came in and do the math.

Also if you open a tab on your profile you will see what your current charge is and it will go up as you refresh.

Also there are clocks/timekeeping apps on pretty much any device. No need to add any additional clutter to the screen.


Holiday Season

I am so so sad... It is so slow.... I have many days no biewer... What is happening?
Open thread


RE: Holiday Season

I bet inflation is a good part of the reason, it is a global phenomenon and people everywhere are cutting back on spending. The holidays are also part of this, people are saving what they can for family. Just my opinion.


RE: Holiday Season

definately its not inflation, just a season. Inflation did hit a while ago, and seems people had accepted it and moved over, but now its football and Christmas obviously, and it will be over soon


RE: Holiday Season

I was going to come test your theory but after viewing my incredibly shrinking paycheck I decided to sit in the dark instead 😜


RE: Holiday Season

aww dont give up please, im sure you can make it :) did you kow that after crisis the fact how fast economic will grow fully depends on investment expectations sometimes? it can be the only factor that stops economics from growing...SOOOO LETS BELIEVE! :d


happy Hanukkah !

Open thread


RE: happy Hanukkah !

I second that. :-D


RE: happy Hanukkah !

Happy Christmas



Anybody knows dping222?
Open thread


RE: dping222

This is general forum lol





RE: dping222

This is WHAT?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

Recently I have had several great conversations with several new chat hosts, from a few categories. After these the hosts have generally been gracious enough to send me a CC mail, saying how much they enjoyed the chat and including an attached photo. Really quite nice, except for the fact that the attached photo is one of the same photos already available on her page. How disappointing :) So my suggestion, hopefully a positive one, to hosts is to keep a small number of photos NOT already shown in your make a guest that you wish to see again feel even more inclined to return......
Open thread


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

Maybe they enjoyed the chat enough to send you a CC mail , but not enough yet for special photo attachement :):)


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion..... seem to assume that my comments were about receiving some kind of "extra special" photo. I was actually talking about ANY kind of photo - from her daily life, of her cat or dog, and yeah, something sexy as well, but not necessarily. In my case, at least, Ms L, I have already looked well at all of her current archive photos as part of my routine decision-making process about with whom I might want to chat (and yes, on whom to spend money).


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

No, I did not mean any sexual content. ANY photos, they did not publish here, are considered of being special. And I would say more, daily life photos are even more precious as they show real them, not what they pretend here to be. Need to desereve such photos even more then photos of tits from Iphone :)


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

i have photo my cat for your darling. lol


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

I'll gladly accept it....!


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

While not disagreeing with your suggestion, based on my experience of having been on CC over 4 years, on and off, even with "personal" messages, one must bear in mind the transactional nature of this site. Determining whether a host has a more personal relationship with you, as opposed to others, is extremely difficult. Bear in mind, this is not a dating site. Although not being insightful enough to even know why the hosts are here, and not wanting to assume their motives, I pay my money and enjoy the company of those I feel closer to while remembering not to let my emotions take over, even though they have made me feel warm inside. Remember, this is the internet and one can make any assumptions from mere words, which, without the intimacy of feel and touch, are often meaningless.


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

Good point EdegeLover ,many men come here and after a while they realize they have more expectations from hosts than they had in the first place ...What surprised me on CC is that you can make good friends among men in here,and this very cute !!!As we all have some whom we vibe great with .....


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

I always get my dick pics returned....sigh


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

Obi that may be because the file size is TOO large to open.....:P


RE: Just a hopefully constructive suggestion.....

TBH I understand but i don t see it as a problem. I see it as a compliment when i receive a message like that. Clearly the girl enjoyed chatting to you and wants you to come back again, but she has no way of really knowing if you will. You can tell her you will and tell her shes in your favourites, but she wont actually know that for sure. So, she sends a message with a photo so you remember. I am sure if you put in the time with a girl, youll see those photos change, not to "special ones" but atleast to something unique that others dont have.


Where is she ?

Does anybody know where the host worshipgoddess has gone?
Open thread


RE: Where is she ?



RE: Where is she ?

You could mail her :)



She is one sexy young gal!! .. very pretty.. and a very nice girl!!! shes my go to girl
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