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Hi girls,what do you know about him?
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Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

So, I'm just curious...WHEN is the EXACT camcontacts birthday? I'm curious because mine is on Nov 15th...and I've always wandered if we share the same day (lol))
Open thread


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

Happy Birthday, slave!!!
I'm curious too! If you will know, let us to know too! =D


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

Happy B-day !


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

The competition started on November 14, it is logical that November 14 is also CC’s birthday


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?



RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

Not necessarily. I'm doubtful.


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

During last 5 years the days of start competition were in different dates: from november 12 till november 18. If follow your logic, Camcontacts changes their exact Birthday every year. It's not possible.


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

It's probably ONE of those days in that range of days / week, but it will always be "celebrated" Thursday - Sunday to maximize opportunities to get people to participate because it's the weekend.


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

This birthday may be even not in November and not in Autumn at all. It is quite likely that these days in November were chosen by the marketing department as the best and most profitable days for such event. )))) That is business...


RE: Cancontacts EXACT birthday?

Yes, I'm agree :-)


Third today session with Goddess Xusha (Aritto) , I am enslaved.....

This slave knows its inferiority
This slave knows its Goddess Superiority
This slave worships only one Goddess
The Superior and Sublime Goddess Xusha

This slave has no desires, no wants
This slave needs only to serve and obey
This slave kneels with respect
And begs Goddess for another day as Her slave

This slave exists for its Goddess pleasure
This slave is happy only if She is happy
This slave strives for Goddess Nectar and Essence of Life
So it will be forever and ever
Open thread

Hi there!

I can sugest PinkLongLips, super shows!
Open thread

CarlaMineli is back!

To those that didn't find me yet, I m back under this nickname now. :P
Open thread


RE: CarlaMineli is back!



RE: CarlaMineli is back!

Thank you Miky!!!! Missed you too :-)


RE: CarlaMineli is back!

Came back for me??? )))


Here’s a riddle for you:-)

It burns without flames, yet ignites the soul,
A spark that drives, makes us feel whole.
It pushes us forward, through night and through day,
A fire inside that won’t fade away.
What am I?
Open thread


RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)



RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)



RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)



RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)



RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)

Good answers, some were so close to the answer, some were unexpected:-)
And answer is passion:-)


RE: Here’s a riddle for you:)



Findom addict needs abuse and relapse

Message me
Open thread


RE: Findom addict needs abuse and relapse

no you don't ! (lol)
you are just a timewaster...haha


RE: Findom addict needs abuse and relapse

Exactly, what a rude worm. Such a disrespectful way to express himself, so greetings, no begging...only a brainless would be fooled that he is an authentic and worthy sub.


RE: Findom addict needs abuse and relapse

So he is a fake paypig everywhere and not just in my room hahahahaha



I had a show with her earlier today. It was fantastic. I wanted to write her a message and noticed her profile is now gone as in deleted. Anyone know what happened?
Open thread


RE: Samanta007

I think she was able to retire on all the money you had spent on her


RE: Samanta007

so your humorous comment got in, but mine didn't? :-|


RE: Samanta007

I see she was online 1 hour ago



Has anyone heard any news about HornySweetGirl I've not seen her for awhile is she ok
Open thread


RE: Darthvader1

use the force to find her


RE: Darthvader1

She is online now looking very hot


My Favoritest

if you know my favoritest, you know. she doesnt know i am doing this, but if you know how to reach her, please send her any love and support you are able to. it's gotten serious.
Open thread


RE: My Favoritest

will do :-)


RE: My Favoritest

Sorry as no idea who you are on about I will have to decline your request


RE: My Favoritest

I passed on your message, but she says she can’t remember you 😳


RE: My Favoritest

oh she remembers him


RE: My Favoritest

not sure whom you think my Favoritest is, but i think you got the wrong person. also, i have no message to send from me: my request was that you send your love and support to her.


RE: My Favoritest

🤔….. First letter D last letter i ?


RE: My Favoritest

so why not quit playing games, and post her screenname?


RE: My Favoritest

I love MyFavoritest, she is a remarkable woman, although I think her nickname "MyFavoritest" is a bit weak. She has not been here for some time.



Chathost intro CEI. Please zend me a mail
Open thread


RE: Cei

Girls havn't option to send you email, if you never visited their video.


RE: Cei

We can't send an initial message so you will need to check out individual Chathosts profiles and then contact them.


RE: Cei

hello, welcome to My video chat...



hello girls.. maysspay still not workng?
Open thread


Hello, everyone! Has it ever happened to you to feel a special closeness to a chathost? Or in the case of chathosts, to a member? How did you manage these impulses?
Open thread


RE: Question

i love you also can say to me..its ok :-)


RE: Question

Roger, always ironic (lol)))


RE: Question

Yes it definitely happened, more so when I was new here. I have been here for many years and my approach has definitely morphed. I am more of a realist now, dare I say cynic? I suspect the hosts tend to be a bit more practical about why they are here, more so than the members.
But that is a generalization. In the beginning of my experience at Cam Contacts I did not know what I expected, but bonding definitely took place and that was not what I remotely would have predicted.


RE: Question

yes someone i became close to is leaving..i should know can be difficult but i wish her well


RE: Question

Maybe the odd flight of fancy from time to time. But generally speaking i have a relatively good grasp of reality lol.

But have met many people here i would have happily bought a coffee or meal for if we ever got the chance to meet lol.

But i know from my time here its possible for these feelings to arise, sometimes with a happy ending but more often not.


RE: Question

A unique attitude always draws me closer, so beautiful. To control my impulses I find a workout, 5 mile run and a cold shower helps 🙂


RE: Question

Stop taking the cold shower.. :P


RE: Question

Been on this site so long, maybe 17 or 18 years. I have a few rules of my own. I never speak to ladies in the same country or a similar age as me to try and help keep a reality check on things. However, It's hard not to get attached to a host you speak a long time with. I had that with a host a few years back, Darido. She was much younger, cute, shy, very easy to talk to and laugh with, but wss vulnerable and it came across. I always wanted to just be there, give her a fatherly hug. We lost touch because of the situation in Ukraine. Still think about her and just hope she's well.


RE: Question

It's very difficult. To feel close to a woman here you must give up any sense of monogamy or sexual faithfulness by her. The happiest are probably men who can love one of these models as a cuckold.


RE: Question

Just remember, it is a business transaction. Do not be pulled in emotionally.



Thank you Miss Viktoria for wonderful session , hope I will catch you soon again
Check her profile , she is so good
Open thread


RE: ViktoriaQueen

She has a beautiful arse mmmk


she's back, changed named : Indigo

Hello to all viewers,

im so pleased that one of my 'favorite' favorite (lol) is back on her own.
i advice you to visit her.. she is ... as charming as tempting !

NB dont take in account if you already visited her, about a message taht seems sent by her but actually sent by the ex studio inviting you to visit her "aunt" ;)
Open thread

No payment yet

very worried i usually get my earnings first day after the pay period ends but i did not get any today so what is happening?
Open thread


RE: No payment yet

Payments came in time. Try to send request to chathost's support.
Good luck!


RE: No payment yet

Hope it all worked out.


RE: No payment yet

Check your e-mail, maybe you need to update some information about the DAC7 law. If that is the case, they will send you the money right after.


RE: No payment yet

Check revenue might be on hold ,I also had it


Congrats to the Winners and participants!

Thank you, guys, for being here with us during the contest and supporting us! This was another awesome contest thanks to you and of course, CC Team!

Open thread

Good luck everyone, on the contest tomorrow, 30th of August!

Fingers crossed to both ladies and gentlemen (L)
Open thread


RE: Good luck everyone, on the contest tomorrow, 30th of August!

$$$Good luck you too !$$$$


come and check me guys

Everything will be worth it and I will give you the happiness that you are looking for... mmmmmmmmmmmm
Open thread

Message for a new wave of members on the site

Hello, dears! Today I had the opportunity to meet a person who had just created an account. He went private, and after a brief introduction, I have the habit of asking what you expect in a session. I was surprised that the person in question felt offended by that and went out of the session. Please take into account that every day, we meet new people here. So, when you enter a video session with us for the first time, it is natural for us to ask certain things about you and your expectations (as long as we do not exceed a personal limit). We do this only because out of the desire to be as professional as possible, we do not want to waste your time/minutes/money. Don't take it personally and don't feel aggrieved when this happens. We are simply facing different people, with different mentalities. In order to unravel the mysteries behind each person, it's natural to ask a few questions (as long as you don't initiate the conversation from the start, or if you don't give us more information about how you would like the private session to unfold).
Open thread


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

agree with this.... and this is expected already when you join to this kind of sites aside from that it's our job to make sure that you will be satisfied with us, and always willing to do everything for each member who will enter to our pvt room as expectedly we don't care sometimes if you ask for more even its hard to do and we always try our best to make you guys happy and to make sure the money you they spend for to pay us is not wasted:-)


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

That is exactly the point :-)


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

people strange when your a stranger faces look ugly when you're alone


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

What on earth was that?! (lol)


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

It's a line from a song. 'People are strange', by The Doors


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

Oh, I should know it, I used to listen to "The doors" (lol). Thank you!

*That moment when you realize you have some dumb moments


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

The Doors


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

Thank you!


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

I hope it was Tiny Tim version?


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

For me the point of text chat is find out these things before you enter vid


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

I was talking about the people jumping straight into a video session, of course.


RE: Message for a new wave of members on the site

i realised this xxxx


Need a kinky dom mistress

Need a mistress to train anal slave
Open thread


RE: Need a kinky dom mistress

Here I am , slave ! Come closer !


RE: Need a kinky dom mistress

hey slave, take ur toy and i will fuck u so deep and badly, under my total control!))


RE: Need a kinky dom mistress

Me too :-) Let me know what you find , please !


RE: Need a kinky dom mistress

me i can train you!


kinky outfits and kinky ideas.

I'm pretty new here.
Do any of the hosts have experience with either rope chastity, or other home means, not for long tern just like in a session. I don't know why but I've got this urge to tie up or restrain my bits. Strange I know lol. But the kinky fetish side is wanting to take a ride.
Open thread


RE: kinky outfits and kinky ideas.

You want to try sweetheart699 then she will blow your mind with rope ties, believe me I’ve had many a session with her, always great, she does her homework, and will put you to task. Perfection…


RE: kinky outfits and kinky ideas.

Hi. Your urge for rope chastity and restraint is not unusual in the realm of kink. I can certainly guide you through techniques and methods for a session, ensuring your experience is safe and satisfying. If you’re ready to explore this, follow my instructions carefully, and I’ll help you fulfill your desires." :-)



These are my fetish, do any ladies have one they would wear on cam?
Open thread


RE: Gasmasks

I got one,let me know ahead if you plan to visit! see you soon!


RE: Gasmasks

Hi Danielle,

I hope you are well, love your pictures, you are very pretty, what type of Gasmask do you have?



RE: Gasmasks

Hi Alan,please use the ccmail option to get in touch with me and share details! Thank you!


Just a thank you.

This is a message for all the members (not only those who visit me) on the site, who are with us, connect with us, support us in our projects, contribute to our well-being, both mental and financial. There would be a lot more to say, but this message is one of "Thank you". So, thank you!
Open thread


RE: Just a thank you.

:-) you are welcome


RE: Just a thank you.

A bit late that i see this message as its rare i am visiting the forums anymore. There was a time when all the general gossip actually would be picked up from here and not chat room as of today.

Okay that was a side step…

I agree with obi. You are welcome dear. And we enjoy our time with you as well.



who knows him?
Open thread


RE: slave4HotAnya

he is a slave for anya who seems is hot :-)


RE: slave4HotAnya

LOL! Ahahahahaha... Funny guy Obiro...


RE: slave4HotAnya

He is a nice guy,dont worry about him!


RE: slave4HotAnya

Thank you for confirming something I already knew! lol I'm not worried about him at all... (lol))
