General Forum


Open thread


RE: Ur dream host

I believe the best way to help you would be to visit you to give an assessment of your performance.


RE: Ur dream host

how about me?





RE: Ur dream host

Ahh..surely that is one of the "eternal" questions that roll around this "space." Every host wants the key to more vids, Which is understandable of course. I have to believe most people would believe with the following statement: "It is impossible to please them all." Anyway....I have pondered how a host might handle this. Perhaps a couple of accounts with a different "persona" so as to appeal to different members. Such as: sweet (and sorta innocent", dom, girl next door, femme fatale, etc.....





RE: Ur dream host

I thought you were so smart you did not need any advice.





Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

Like how we can see when Hostess' were last online?
Open thread


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

no, we cant!


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

Thanks for answering.


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

I wondered the same thing. I think there is one site where the chat hosts can see when you are online there. I am no longer there partly because of that.


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

I know on imlive the models can see if your on


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

Yep, they lost my business for that reason too


RE: Can Hosts see if customers are online in CC

hey hey hey


Memorable Encounters

What makes a memorable encounter in video chat? For guests is it the physical attractiveness of the woman , her intellect, the fact that she is articulate and understands your language, her professionalism, her positive engagement in the activity, her genuineness or other factors? For hosts, what makes a memorable encounter for you?
Open thread


RE: Memorable Encounters

Good manners!





RE: Memorable Encounters

a man who can flirt, has imagination, but also can have a conversation and humour is a man i can always remember without even looking at my notes :D in one word: chemistry!


RE: Memorable Encounters

Big tips:))))I can never forget the biggest tip here :))))


RE: Memorable Encounters honest reply


RE: Memorable Encounters

Gentlemen ,inteligent man and fun ones also


RE: Memorable Encounters

Unusual requests and fetishes, extraordinary compliments, and yes - big tips as well :):) And as DariaUkr , I have also got a memory for faces.


RE: Memorable Encounters

As for me, must be friends or regulars for me remmebering everything about him without taking notes..before were not tips..but still we have regulars and men who were in our memory.but usualy must be visit not 1 time in year!


RE: Memorable Encounters

As a member, I'd say all of the above. Physical attractiveness is important, for that is what initially will attract me -- but it is by no means the most important factor. And, if that is all there is, I may even enjoy a moment of sexual satisfaction with her; but that is all it will be: "a moment."

If on the other hand, she is someone I can connect with on an intellectual and emotional level, if there is an ability to communicate and understand each other, if both she and I are positively engaged in the activity - then she will become for me someone I enjoy being with again and again. That is what makes our video chats memorable.

And when I have found that person, I desire to see no one else, and everyone else fades into the background.





RE: Memorable Encounters

works both ways, I've had hosts that were quite rude (maybe it was their style) and demanding (come into one-2-one, send gift, give cam). I don't mind being asked, but not demanded. But I still think it is super tacky to ask the member to give a gift.


RE: Memorable Encounters

I agree with you there cam4.

I will leave if a girl says "go 121" after 30 seconds. If, after some conversation, the girl wants 121 to feel comfortable with the experience to come, more often than not I will accommodate.


RE: Memorable Encounters

lol...."awful perverts". What about "good" perverts Sofia?


Handy Control

Hi. Is there an easy way to find people on here that know how to control a Handy toy? It's tiresome, and a bit overwhelming, trying to pm anyone and everyone about it.
Open thread





RE: Handy Control

I sent you a list through Discord


RE: Handy Control

Thanks again for that list.


RE: Handy Control

Welcome)))) ;)


We know

We know that in Community Chat you girls go down the list of hosts sending PMs, but please think about starting at the bottom and going upwards. It is tiresome answering your PM but not getting a reply because a guest at the top of the list has answered first. Thank you.
Open thread


RE: We know

You could consider renaming yourself "00Westlain" :)


RE: We know

Excellent suggestion! However, that would takeaway the essence of my being.


RE: We know

We know that you guys love Community chat and free chat rooms. But it's sometimes tiresome to spend hours online just to keep up cute free conversations)))) Please think about starting in video chat - I'm sure the response rate from us girls will tend to exceed 100%))))) A lot of thanks )))


RE: We know

100% support your opinion


RE: We know

Thank you, SintraLove ))))))


RE: We know

Personally my modud operandi is to start in Community Chat, then move to PM chat and get a feeling for the woman. If I get a good vibe I then move to video. Diving into a video right away without any prior conversation has not been very successful for me. I also think that going into a woman's room without checking with her is a bit rude.


RE: We know

I understand you and agree with you. It is really nice for the guest to show respect for the host. Although, sometimes it is also very nice when a man shows a sense of possessiveness and breaks into the video chat without warning - varietas delectat.... And of course, it also looks cute when the host shows respect for the guest and provides an opportunity to meet in free correspondence, but everything is good that measure)))) But, in fact, it is useless to write on such topics, because it depends on the person, on his respect for himself in the first place. If he respects himself and those around him in life and appreciates his own and others' time and efforts, then he always leaves the best and sometimes even amazing impression on the site. And if a person in life is looking only for an opportunity to save money and underpay, and at the same time wonders why his clients and contractors are all so greedy and intractable, then here he will also behave exactly the same, no matter how much and no matter what we write about it. .. As for me, one of the best features of this site is that there are a lot of people here who know how to respect themselves and others! Thank you so much for this! )))))


RE: We know

Sofia, you are right, there are times I set up to meet with a young lady, and there are also times i simply like to go in and surprise them for a few minutes to see how they are doing. :)

P.S. Sofia is a fun one to visit


RE: We know

Thanks for the ad, Mike! ))) And of course, you are welcome in both ways)))


RE: We know

There are a lot of guests who spend a lot of time in free chat and talk about sex and do not want to pay. Such people do not value my time. This is not respect for models in the first place and not a desire to pay. After such cases, the trust in guests decreases.
I can write here a list of nicknames that are constantly logged in to spend time for free, but I will not do that.

Have a nice day, everyone, and justice in this world.


RE: We know

80% of the guys in a comm chat usually dont do vids, or they vid extremelly rarely.
so if you dont want to waste your time, simply dont go to comm chat . easy:)


RE: We know

i don't think she was reffering to chatting for free in comm chat, but about the guests who come in our rooms and want to talk for hours without ever joining the video chat. both valid arguments, but u 2 were talking about different things, i think. have fun!


RE: We know

yes you understood me correctly


RE: We know

95% from com chat was in my video ,
and i courios how can u know about all guys in com chat? are u host?


RE: We know

Agree with you babedoll. I met you in community chat. I have no idea what 80% of members do anywhere, anytime lol


RE: We know

lets say i've been told it by some number of hosts. well, if 95% of the comm chat guys were in ur payed chat, then you are lucky and a big welldone, babydoll :)


RE: We know

yes ,indeed,i am lucky here
btw u are in my 5% who dont did my pay videochat from comunitychat-probably cose i didnt invited u in my nude privat chat


RE: We know

In comm chat the intelligent hosts like Babedoll capture our attention with interesting conversation :)
The hosts that simply send PMs with "come to me I'm naked" most of the people on comm chat ignore, so for those it probably is 95% that don't come to video.


RE: We know

I can't speak for anyone else in CommChat - but I ignore just about 100% of PM's in Comm Chat, especially the ones that "Come see me I'm naked". Occasionally, I will respond if the host seems genuinely interested in conversation, but rarely have I found that to be true (the PM's, that is). Most are just come-ons.


RE: We know

more and more often I get the impression that people come to the site in order to crap someone as much as possible. and apparently they get a lot of pleasure from it. Feel like a hero-winner if they succeeded in public.
guys ! you are in the wrong place! self-realization occurs in deeds and not in words.stop lie urself
nobody perfect on earth - let's respect each other - at least for not to clog our own brain with not bottom shit at all .
here, both girls and men would like to find something positive but I noticed the longer they look for it-themore they deeper in the negative.
want to make the world a better place - start with yourself!
believe me - it works
wish all a lot of positive and dirty sex!XOXO


RE: We know


RE: We know

Then why do you go to Community Chat?


RE: We know

The great thing about a free society is that I do not have to answer inane questions like yours.


RE: We know

I do have empathy for hosts trying to get vids in community chat room. Because I have been participating in that "space" for far too many years I have to believe I have seen every possible type of approach to lure members to vid. They range from the simple, "Hi," to the the sexually explicit "I am wet and horny for you bby," to the truly creative enticement that appeals to the mind and not just the male sex drive. I am sure it is frustrating to the hosts to chat in there and not have it result in a video. But the fact is many people just go there to talk with friends or kill time. My response to the private messages (PMs) from hosts has varied over the years except for the fact I would like to think I am at the very least not rude in declining their offers of a vid. As always I wish all hosts long vids with decent human beings and may all members find their fantasy host.


RE: We know

Kindly and well put, pete. Which means more hosts will now yearn to get you in vid and be sadly disappointed.


RE: We know

Oh, it's good that most of the guests on CC don't waste their time on community chat, but take and call without any hesitation. They know exactly what they want and this attracts the model.



After 3 years on CC and 2330 video visits spread over my 3 nicknames, it is time for me to reflect on my activities here. It is time for me to concentrate on 2/3 girls as regulars. I have tended to jump from girl to girl which has produced some excitement but a lot of wasted time and money. I really need to stick with those girls who have a good heart and soul and that I know I will have a fun time with.
A question I have for hosts is (I think I know the answer) do you prefer a few regulars or a bigger variety of guests?
A question for guests is, do you prefer to see 2/3 girls on a regular basis or a variety of many girls?
Open thread


RE: Reflections

Of course I prefer regular guests.
Friendship + sympathy + interesting time together often develop with regular guests (you know what I mean)

P.S. you said you have several nicknames here, can you name them?


RE: Reflections

OverTheLedgeLover RidgeLover


RE: Reflections

Remember variety is the spice of life.


RE: Reflections

Of course regulars are best.


RE: Reflections

to have a regular guest, you need to meet new guests who can later become permanent hehe


RE: Reflections

Been thinking the same, been here a lot longer and got to say I prefer having 2 or 3 regular hosts that I chat with. They have changed over time as chathosts come and go. In part I prefer a couple of regular hosts because I have my own strange need from videochats that can be hard to fulfill, but also because for me, everything that we do on here is more fun if there is a good connection with at the chathost. At the moment I have two girls I chat too regulalry, neither get fully naked and they understand my need. Most days when i am here, we chat for up to an hour, but if I only have 10 minutes to chat one day, then I tell them, they know what to do/what they dont need to do and we are all happy.


RE: Reflections

I think your models cherish you♥


to all the father here...

Open thread


RE: to all the father here...

Hmmm, still early , isn't it on June 20th?





RE: to all the father here...

Thank you. It is always on Sunday, but I appreciate your good thoughts, Twink.



I always find it annoying when, after talking to a girl in chat, I go to her room and she gets on her phone while we are chatting. It is rude, plus I have paid for her time.
Open thread


RE: Annoying

This means the model did not read the rules. It is forbidden to talk on the phone during the video chat.And this is not respect for the viewer in the first place.

You have a large selection of models. Good luck with your choice.


RE: Annoying

And there are a lot that evidently skip over that rule. Or they text maybe they think you cant see but it is so obvious. Or the ones that always leave the computer on that are never there, collecting the nickels and dimes. Worst of all the ones that are on other sites at the same time when you are supposed to be in private, you can go to other site and see them there while they talk to you.. A lot of girls her complain in profile about guests not saying goodbye but I just pull the plug. I am complaining too much today, so goodbye :)


RE: Annoying

you wrote everything correctly here.....I do not understand these girls and why it is impossible to postpone the telephone conversation until later


RE: Annoying

oh im sorry..they was probably texting me...whoopsy...but yeah i know how you feel :)


RE: Annoying

hmmmmm .maybe some of they want u leave they -just to polite to ask u that for don hurt yur feelings
(not sure ) but can be like exempl...:)


RE: Annoying

Too polite? So they are exceptionally rude instead. Also, Its not that they are too polite they are playing you to get as much money as they can. So I return the favor and pull the plug.


RE: Annoying

very true . nobody ask u stay . leave just - and who will care -dont will try use thats tricks next time.








RE: Annoying

So why not teach them a lesson before pulling the plug?
Have a copy/paste of the rule to give them then tell them, "this is why I'm leaving. Next time don't break the rules. Don't be so rude!"





RE: Annoying

Sofia, are you talking about being on the phone with the person you are videoing with or while you are ordering the plastic to wrap yourself in?





Possible video

Not 100% sure but I vid chatted with EfrosinyaShow and her cam looked suspicious. I asked her to do something innocent like show her ear rings (not a fetish, just I was checking!) and them magically "she" disappeared.
Open thread


RE: Possible video

yes she is a recorded session...i asked her simple stand up and she left :)


RE: Possible video

Report it to CC. Unless it says it is pre-recorded it is against TOS.


RE: Possible video

i did..she is bye bye :)


RE: Possible video

Hey! I was watching that!


"addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

Hey guys! I want to create a new account in the fetish category. How do u think - which of the two nicknames will be better? or maybe do you have other ideas?
Open thread


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

i think any nickname should be uppercase. Fetish category has a little more range than Dungeon so what might appeal to me might not appeal to others. Maybe SlaveMaker for me lol


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

Addicted2love suits better for Girls category. LadyMarvel, that is pretty interesting for Fetish , indeed. Are you going to cosplay the cartoon characters?


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

that would be CaptainMarvel or MsMarvel LadyModel but i see where your thoughts are :)


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

i think i have already seen the name addicted2love. but if not, why not? personally, i like addicted2love over LadyMarvel. The second doesn't do anything for me, and certainly doesn't say to me: "Come and see me!"

Good luck in your choice!


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

Another interesting topic that requires my opinion:-). Does the name make a difference? That is the question. let me think a minute. I think it does in Community Chat as the name is all you see initially. In all other area of CC, there are profile pics with the name so for me the pics outweigh the name. As I said, in Community Chat, where I usually hang out, you can only see the name, so in that case I am influenced by the name first then I look at the profile pics. In answer to your question, of the two names Lady Marvel is the better for the category. However, for me, neither name would draw me to your profile.


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

Is the rating important to you or are you just leafing through and choosing from the photo?


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

The rating makes no difference whether I initiate a conversation with the girl. I have had good experiences with low rated girls and not so good with high rated girls. I think that on some level I am drawn to the girl by her photos although once again some "good looking" photos do not always reflect the beauty of the girl and some "not so good looking" have turned out to be beautiful girls. Of course, for the girl, the dilemma is how to get a guest 1) to chat with them, 2) into their room. A catchy name and a "good" pic/s are necessary. For example, for me, your name is "blah" but your pic is "wow". Bottom line is that I enter a room and get to know the girl then make a decision whether she goes on my favorite list and I visit her again, regardless of whether she is "beautiful"on the outside or not. A long answer to a short question.


RE: "addicted2love" or "LadyMarvel"

A good detailed answer. It was interesting to know your opinion.


Thick Kissable Lips

I was wondering if any of the girls would share their secret of making their lips thicker and inviting.
Open thread


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

A looot of girls here with thick fake lips :D


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Girls give lip injections for enlargement. It is painful and not pleasant, but many people like the "Duck Lips" effect.

Now the fashion for naturalness and I think it's cool!


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Yeah, duck lips are ugly. And I never met a men who would like it. But seems smarty does))





RE: Thick Kissable Lips

You are all silly the thick duck lips are for sucking.


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

mmmmm WOW. Tnx for let me know now ....

i just have things if they need do some injection only for do suck better - whyy they dont do some injection in assholes?
or in the brain for exempl.
well but i realy neutral yto all who do- i dont mind about whats girls want to do with self- my good friend the dr who doing thats injections to they:)
and sometime girls who visit her realy need to do for corection -if they have posible to pay-why no?


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

hahahahah ''duck-lips''
lol u remembered me one nice song -caling ''duck-fase'' ( u can find in youtub)


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Duck lips is a good description for some of them. I saw one once that looked like she did the trick of sucking on a large diameter bottle, pulling the lips inside and making them swollen, usually just the middle of the lips. It used to be a joke to play on someone, but now I see a few hosts who look like they tried it too often.

I prefer thin natural lips the most though :)


RE: Thick Kissable Lips many names for it. And many not so complimentary. lips, trout pout lips, bee sting lips, cherry lips. Plastic surgery of one type or other is a common topic around here. It seems so many are not happy with what nature gave them (or imparts on them as they age). And that applies to members and hosts as well. :)
Is anybody satisfied out there????


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Why? Duck lip effect is hideous! Quack Quack

Oh... I guess i'm not in the "many" who like duck lips haha


RE: Thick Kissable Lips



RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Injections/ some makeup/ genetics and good care for sure :)


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

I think a pleasant smile and a great mood always complement the makeup .... and it doesn't matter what helped just lipstick or the services of a beautician)))) I wish you all good and real emotions !!!


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Brunette - i like ur ansver(K)
tnx u
and wish you have smile beautiful always


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Cant be a good smile, for me a smile will always be a womans best feature. With jut one smile, a woman can either turn you on or make you afraid :)











RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Which lips do you mean. Up or down?


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

It is possible that this is the first adequate answer! LOL


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

You know I am always thinking :-) Especially about "below".


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Thinking so much about "below" could be harmful. I think it is worth sharing your morning coffee more often and replacing thinking with experiencing)))))


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

That is an offer I find hard to resist.:-)


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Do not force yourself ))))))


RE: Thick Kissable Lips

Of course why not?


Can someone help me?

Can somebody with a cam visit 888girl and ask to see her feet? If you do visit with her, post back here what she did. I posted this in the viewer section too but nobody has done it for me yet. Thanks in advance for your help.
Open thread


RE: Can someone help me?

I am curious. Why would someone pay to visit her based on your request? Why not ask her to send you a pic of her feet?


RE: Can someone help me?

he is a shy footlover :P


RE: Can someone help me?

She won't do it. I can tell you that already. And she doesn't do pictures either.


RE: Can someone help me?

I did offer to buy pictures from here but she wouldn't do it.


RE: Can someone help me?

Time to examine your head space and give this up. Your increasingly frantic attempts to see this girls soles are are making you look like a stalker. Anyone can see your comments here including her and you are probably weirding her out. And didn't you say a few weeks ago you bought a cam? What's with that?


RE: Can someone help me?

I agree. If she hasn't shown them to you yet, she's never gone too. Just move on and find somebody that will and leave her alone.


RE: Can someone help me?

lol, can't you tell this is advertising? obviously :))


RE: Can someone help me?

You may be correct, but looking back over cummysoles posts in the Viewers forum, I don"t think so. I just think he has a bad taste in women.


RE: Can someone help me?

She's not advertising. And if she was, she wouldn't be trying to get guys to come to her for that. She just talks and thats it. I've been with her for over 7 years now and I know she doesn't do feet.


RE: Can someone help me?

Bad advertisement is also advertisement. It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they get your name right.  Maybe they set up an experiment, how many members will come to see the model with one blurry 5 years old photo in her profile after she was constantly mentioned on the forum, even in a negative connotation.  Or everything is simple and cummysoles just needs the help of a psychiatrist on the obsession ideas problems.


RE: Can someone help me?



RE: Can someone help me?

who needs a doctor? i can cure him!


RE: Can someone help me?

He does not need another obsession,babe.


RE: Can someone help me?

thats pity:)
i feel boring


RE: Can someone help me?

You could cure any illness Yulia :)


RE: Can someone help me?

mmmmm with pleasure - just pacients afraide my treatment
haha- nobody brave


RE: Can someone help me?

LOL babedoll, great answer.



So, sitting here early in the morning, watching the sunrise and contemplating my first coffee of the day, another thought squirmed its way into my mind. How am I enticed to enter a video session with a host? The easy answer would be that I want an experience that culminates in an orgasm to satisfy my primal desire by engaging in a sexual exchange with a younger beautiful woman. However, that is not true the majority of the time. So, how am I enticed to enter a room. Banalities do not do it for me, an original opening phrase from the host that stimulates my mind will do it as long as her profile photos matches, in my mind, the prose. Therein lies a problem, which begs another thought. Is the host more skilled at the enticement and knows not to use the "normal" introductory words or is she being genuine? Of course the purpose of the enticement is to get the guest to enter the room. Some hosts even use this forum as their enticement vehicle, using their eloquent and articulate words to lure the unsuspecting sad man into their lair. Does it matter how they do it, no,of course not, and we men always have a choice whether to enter the web or not.
Open thread


RE: Enticement

Maybe it's time to change the coffee machine? )))))))))))))))))))


RE: Enticement

Hahahaha..yes you may be correct about changing the coffee. I think that I wrote so much to keep me from being enticed into another room.


RE: Enticement

Psychologists say that we are afraid of what we really want ... Entering your fear is the path to freedom ...


RE: Enticement

I am glad that I do not have to pay for your advice :-)


RE: Enticement

This is not my advice and not advice at all .... they say .... I do not give free advice))))))


RE: Enticement

a hint of danger


RE: Enticement

Do you like danger, Doug? )))


RE: Enticement

Interesting answer 🤔 :) 😀


Flashmob of boring

Hey! Today I am bored )))) and oddly enough I am not in the mood for deep reflection, but it is possible that someone's answer will plunge me into it))))
I want to ask (both guests and hosts) what surprised you the most here, what was the brightest and / or most unexpected during your stay on the CC
Open thread


RE: Flashmob of boring

boobs and booty always brighten my day...thats my deep thought :) you're welcome :)


RE: Flashmob of boring

No doubt about it, Obi...! The bigger boobs and booty - the deeper the thoughts! ))) There was such a humorist Zhvanetsky ... He said: "What do I like about the mini (he meant the skirt) - the future is visible"))))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

My interest in my fetish always keeps me interested as some ladies want to dive deeper into the idea. Always fun to see their imagination.


RE: Flashmob of boring

And can you share with us what they impressed you the most?


RE: Flashmob of boring

Some models who discover my interest simply state "thats interesting and let me try it" or "Oh I can do this, thats easy". I am flattered by the statement only to discover that they have no knowledge or real interest in learning about it.
There are others who ask "tell me more about it" and are more sincere when they say "Im not sure I am who you are looking for" and resepect my time and money.
Then there are those who will send a photo or offer a few minutes to see if this is what they are looking for. Some of them will do some homework and understand and practice poses in advance. Once they can achieve the pose and look, they like to continue learning more and find small ways to make themselves look even more artificial as a mannequin. They send simple teases of photos and poses to entice me.Those are the ones who intrigue and impress me. That is where I choose to invest


RE: Flashmob of boring

Thank you for such a detailed and sincere answer! I hope now there will be even more impressions! ))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

All my friends are going to say that I'm just "buttering" you hosts up, Sofia ...wait, there's an interesting idea, who's got REAL butter in their fridge :P....but for me over all the years I've been visiting CC, I've always been impressed with the not just the beauty of most hosts, but also their intelligence and educational level....Oh, and all the outstandingly great popkye tozhe :)


RE: Flashmob of boring

I practically do not use butter, like other dairy products, so they are definitely not in my fridge))) And I aree with your observations ... It is really very nice when a man can not only connect two words "show me", but support a pleasant versatile conversation, after that even his popka looks very inspiring))))))))))))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

I believe a gentleman would not speak of his truly astonishing encounters here. The fact that he lingers these halls, still, should perhaps speak for itself.


RE: Flashmob of boring

I am sure that a true gentleman, even here, appreciates such things in his astonishing encounters and can describe them in such words that it can be worthy of small talk at the highest level. In any case, I don't think we should be ashamed of what really touches us to the core.


RE: Flashmob of boring

When I first came here during what feels like the last geological era (Cenozoic), I was surprised by how many stunning and beautiful women were here. They I was surprised how articulate in English and interesting they were. Now I confess I am not often surprised but I hope to be. At this point in time the biggest thing that surprises me is that I continue to so frequently visit


RE: Flashmob of boring

Mmmm .... We quickly get used to the good things and begin to take it for granted)))) It seems to me that it is natural that men need female energy and whether they admit it or not, but they will always be attracted by places where there are a lot of beautiful and interesting women. It's another matter - if they admit it - they will benefit from this, if not - unsuccessfully fight with themselves, spend a considerable amount of their own energy on this and, as a result, depend on the places where beautiful women are concentrated even more)))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

women are superior beings


RE: Flashmob of boring

Don't want to mind at all))))))))))))))))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

As always I am surprised by your answer. :) I have pondered your reply and I suppose it is true that to a certain extent "ennui" can kick in with almost all experiences, even gazing at gorgeous woman. Seems hard to believe as our desires such as hunger for food, sex and the urge to socialize are ever renewing. To be honest I spend much of the time I am at CC in Community Chat where I do not even see who I am chatting with. So...there is "female energy" in the chat room but I am not actually seeing all the pretty woman. Anyway one of the words I learned here at CC is "Interlocutor." It is not a word we use where I live but apparently it shows up in the translators many hosts use. And you are a terrific interlocutor!


RE: Flashmob of boring

Thanks Pete! You are very kind to your interlocutors))))) Therefore, I was talking about female energy, and not just watching a woman's body or a show. What word is used where you live?


RE: Flashmob of boring

Where I live in the United States we would likely say something along the lines of, "You are a great conversationalist." Or perhaps an older person might say, "You have the gift of gab." Those older people might say to me because I tend to talk a lot, "pete9 talks my ear off every time I chat with him!" Whatever you call it I appreciate your effort to bring the forums alive with your words. Be well Sofia.


RE: Flashmob of boring

Thanks Pete! Mutually! ))


RE: Flashmob of boring

I am not sure about the Flashmob of boring, but I do enjoy watching a good flashmob now and then. Who would not?


RE: Flashmob of boring


RE: Flashmob of boring

So nice! )) Thank you, Babedoll!!! ))))


RE: Flashmob of boring

urwelcome Sofia,pete


RE: Flashmob of boring

That was excellent babedoll!


RE: Flashmob of boring

Good one xxbabe :)


RE: Flashmob of boring

You always post interesting YouTube s 😀


RE: Flashmob of boring

Do they say that Russians are cold and boring?


RE: Flashmob of boring

Which brings up another topic: Stereotypes we tend to have concerning people from various cultures and countries. Some are misconceptions perhaps, but some are probably true to a certain extent. CC is an excellent melting pot of the world to get a sense of other peoples. Perhaps another string for this topic if the mood strikes. Because as we all know, one of the key questions in CC is, "How mood bby?" :)


RE: Flashmob of boring

Yes, I will be happy to raise this topic, especially since this statement about Russians really surprised me ... But, perhaps, a little later ... I would really like to read the topics of other members of our community ...


RE: Flashmob of boring

''It happens that a person is rude to you.
And cold, like a one-time passer-by.
And harsh words fall from lips.
But ass... ass feel - person is good.

It happens that a person is nice to you.
Nods, speaks and looks cute.
And unlike the uniform asshole.
But ass ... ass feels - asshole.

I would have quarreled with him to dust and fluff,
But magic power is hidden in it:
Everything fails - both sight and hearing ...
but ass has never failed!''


Chathost payment wallets

Does anyone have a list of which payment wallets are supported for hosts? Have a model friend who is interested I think webmoney is one but what about PayPal?
Open thread





RE: Chathost payment wallets

Will do she is from South America not Ukraine


RE: Chathost payment wallets

Even so, the point she makes is that not every payment system is available everywhere. Some are prohibited. Some are just not available.

your host friend needs to contact CC and find out which is suitable for her country or region.


RE: Chathost payment wallets

Or she could talk to a fellow SA host.














RE: Chathost payment wallets

Paxum- Cosmo and EpayService


Questions for Hosts

How exactly do you figure out how much you are going to ask for per minute?
Open thread





RE: Questions for Hosts

I would be curious to know how many of the female models if any enter in any male model's video chat.


RE: Questions for Hosts

:D smarty - dear - here ( in CCCP) dont polite for women to go visit guys first!
mean very vulgar for realy


RE: Questions for Hosts

Hey Doll if I became a male model here would you come to visit me in my video chat?


RE: Questions for Hosts

i wauld for sure check all here in thats 9 years being on site


RE: Questions for Hosts

will u do anal for me?
(bad joke)


RE: Questions for Hosts

but if serios . i curios whats u would do for make ppls want to come in ur room and not onse even?
realy curios:)


a long time ago

there lived a prince in a kingdom who......
Open thread


RE: a long time ago

who... was put under a spell so that he could speak only one word each year. If he didn’t speak for two years, the following year he could speak two words and so on.

One day, he fell in love with a beautiful lady. He refrained from speaking for two whole years so he could call her “my darling.” But then he wanted to tell her he loved her, so he waited three more years. At the end of these five years, he wanted to ask her to marry him, so he waited another four years.

Finally, as the ninth year of silence ended, he led the lady to the most romantic place in the kingdom and said, “My darling, I love you! Will you marry me?”
And the lady said, “Pardon?”


RE: a long time ago

Yes, very good. xx


RE: a long time ago

asked a beautiful princess “Will you marry me?” The princess said NO. And the prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles, and fucked cute skinny girls, and hunted, and raced cars, and went to nude beaches, and dated women half his age, and drank beer, Jack Daniel´s and Captain Morgan, and drank the milk from the box , and went to rock concerts, and left the toilet seat up, and wanked whenever he wanted . THE END.


RE: a long time ago

haha :)


RE: a long time ago

There needs to be a thumbs up emote here in the forum :)


RE: a long time ago

married an american girl, and never came home again!


RE: a long time ago

Oh and I thought the next line was going to be "In a galaxy far far away...."


Old vs Newer Formats

I had a chance to use the Old Format here on CC today, and two things became apparent:

1st, the new format is slick, and looks really nice. Great presentation and very up-to-date.

2nd, the old format, while not so slick, is far more easier to navigate, and even lets you see the dates of pictures on the archives, and makes a whole lot more sense -- IMHO

So, for me, it's a toss-up as to which I prefer.
Open thread





RE: Old vs Newer Formats

I like the old when using community chat, the window can be resized to a small window instead of half the screen or more.


RE: Old vs Newer Formats

I find myself toggling between them often for exact same reasons! Especially forum access!


Feeling cynical today and bored

Guests Hosts
1. Name (he is lying) 1. nice name
2. Country (he is probably lying) 2. nice country
3. Age (he is lying) 3. nice age
4. Cock 4. that is nice and big
5. Single (he is probably lying) 5. ahh nice
6. Married 6. errr ,nice
7. Divorced (maybe lying) 7. sorry, nice
8. you are in wrong category for me 8. what category do you like
9 . I see you changed category 9 just to please YOU
10. you believe everything I said? 10. you believe everything I said?
11. it was fun, I will see you again (I do not 11. it was fun, come back (but do not be so boring next time)
really mean that

You know I love you all. (well most of you)

Hopefully I will not get bored again
Open thread


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

If this is your experience, what do you think, why do you choose such hosts of the same type? If this is your creativity, what do you think, why do you have such fantasies? ))))


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

First, let me say that, in no way did I mean disrespect to Hosts or Guests. Each interaction I have on CC is enjoyable, whether just chatting or being engaged in another activity. Of course, each interaction with a different host is a unique experience. Due to my nature, I do not often visit a Host, that I have some sort of connection with, more than a few times . With some hosts there is no connection, that is human nature, and I do not say that in a negative way. The reality of the site, and others like it, is that the Guests are here for pleasure, whatever that is to them, and the Hosts to make some income. If a bond is made during the interactions, that is a bonus. I realize that there are many men on here who lack good communication skills and have disrespected hosts. Likewise, on the other side, there are Hosts who have taken advantage of men over and above the expected normalcy, lying about what the interaction will be and breaking the "agreement" of what was negotiated. I think that all of us need to understand our expectations and limitations and realize why we are here. We are all part of this wondrous world.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I absolutely agree with you


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

That's because  you have no Teddy in your life ! BUt seriously , maybe you're too much with similar things and your fantasy is telling you THO GIRLS NOT BORING , JUST YOU NEED SOMETHING FRESH IN YOUR MIND ! BUT ofc , only you know the reason !. 


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I do not think my Teddy is as big as your Teddy, and I have not sat on his face. You are correct. I do like to keep my life "fresh". Looking at my account over the last three years on CC, I have made over 2000 video visits to Hosts. Not many of them have been repeat visits. Remember, "variety is the spice of life".


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Hahahahahaha, that will teach me to check which name I am posting under. No delete button when you post.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Loved it, Edge! More truth than irony in that, I think. Thanks for being "bored"!


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I have a question of a practical or linguistic nature ... Isn`t the word "nice" a part of the English-speaking culture of communication? In the same way as everyone asks at the beginning of a conversation "how are you?" or says "nice to meet you". These phrases, after all, are not considered hackneyed cliches - this is the norm of etiquette... And another question for the members - how would you like us to react to your answers, if such dialogues cause so much skepticism? Well, the third, very rhetorical question - why lie so much? )))))


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I believe that most of us, Guests and Hosts, understand the communication that we initially have are the pleasantries necessary to gauge the forthcoming interaction. I have certain "etiquette" words that I use. Realistically, most interactions contain lies due to the nature of the site. Very few people on CC, Hosts or Guests want their real lives exposed to strangers. Of course, with men, unless single, are already secretive about being on this site. In the three years that I have been here I have met a variety of Hosts. Most have been pleasurable experiences, for me at least. I will continue to visit CC and enjoy all the beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful women here.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Thank you for answer! I try to understend: is lie like one more kind of fetish here or is it more still about secrets? Fetish is a separate story ... And if secrets - it's obvious that it is impossible to figure out a person thousands of kilometers away from you for some particulars from his life ... so it turns out that a person does not recognize his right to be as he is? Maybe you and others can help me understand this issue? Thank you!


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

A lie, is defined as an intention to deceive. If someone has a fetish, they have an unusually strong liking or need for a particular object or activity, as a way of getting sexual pleasure. So, a lie, could be a fetish if the person who is lying to you is getting sexual pleasure from the lie itself. My guess would be that the majority of lies told on CC are meant to deceive and are not a fetish. Everyone would have a different reason for doing this. When I am assessing whether I would like to start a conversation with a host, I first enter into initial conversation to determine whether I want to continue and move on to viewing her profile. I then read the narrative and look at her photos. I looked at your profile and from your photos assessed that you are a beautiful, sensual, and alluring woman. Of course, that was based on the photos that you chose to present to seduce us men into delving further, that is understandable. Now, in your narrative you state ..The real you, if you do not pretend to be someone else, we will get along already... My question to you is, how do you determine whether the man is The Real You, or is pretending (lying)?


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I feel it with my spinal cord)))) Probably The Real You can lie here too. If he is used to pretending in real life, then what he says here without pretending may turn out to be a lie in relation to his "reality". Although, I think that this is more a play on words than really possible. The Real You are more about "to be or to seem". I think you also feel the difference between assertive behavior and arrogance or even aggressiveness. It's about the same with The Real You and The Unreal. Honestly, I don't care whether a man answers questions about the country, age, job, whether it's true or false ... all this is interesting to me only as a context in which we interact, and it is virtual anyway. Although, I just asked myself a question: do most men also lie about their wives' illnesses? The Real You for me is when a person opens up, he may not disclose all the information or not report any facts at all, but at the same time, he does not play ... With The Real You there is a feeling that I can lean on him, but with The Unreal - I'm falling into emptiness. A certain connection arises with The Real You, which allows any game to be made real and forms real involvement. With The Unreal You, some formal, automatic actions take place. I hope I answered your question ...
By the way, a special thank you for such a deep learning of my profile))))


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I always enjoy reading your articulate, intelligent and thought provoking writings Sofia. Although we can be pleasant, and should be, to each other on CC the bottom line is that we engage in business transactions here. It is very rare that a Guest can build a relationship with a Host outside of that business transaction. Guests are paying for the time of a Host. Now, I would have no problem engaging in a relationship for free on CC, but that is not a realistic expectation and personally I am not looking for an intimate relationship here. So, we take it as it comes and have as much fun as we can (as long as the price is reasonable).


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

As I managed to notice here the words "real feelings", "real relationships", "being real" are a little scary for men ... Perhaps with the combination of "real relationships" there is confusion associated with "translation difficulties" - perhaps in English relationships mean exactly the relationship between a man and a woman or some kind of kinship ... but it seems to me that this is still a broader concept ... Real feelings do not imply an obligatory continuation in real life, as well as real relationships - the subsequent procession under the march of Mendelssohn. In my understanding, this only means that now with this person I really experience these feelings and do not hide or distort them in my manifestations. This does not mean that someone owes something to other or that tomorrow I will have to experience exactly the same feelings ...
and the second point: "what a real relationship can be if I pay." Well, you admit cases when a man establishes a relationship with his doctor ... whose services he also pays for ... why can't there be a relationship in this case then? It smacks of self-esteem questions here, it seems to me))) it turns out that the guest does not believe that the host actually has sympathy for him or cannot recognize where the true sympathy is, and where is simply politeness and a desire to please in order to extend the video chat ... After all, you buy only our time ...... our attitude you still have to deserve, no matter how much you have already paid ... And now the most interesting thing ... what is a real relationship? This is unselfishness on both sides (conditionally and simply speaking), isn't it? But it turns out that men who say "what kind of relationship can be if I pay" are not ready for a disinterested relationship, are not ready to just love a woman because she is, because he loves, but can only for reciprocity, it turns out a women must also pay for men`s attitude just different currencies .... They say that when it seems to us that someone treats us somehow, this is our projection of our own attitude to this person .... It seems to me that the more we learn to gift rather than buying, the more fun we will have not only in our interactions here on the site, but also in real life ...


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

While I always respect your opinions Sofia, let me ask you the question ...why are you on CC? If your answer is to meet and communicate with new and diverse people and have a relationship (whatever that is) why do you charge $ per minute for that? When I ask that question of Hosts, very few will say $$ as the first thing on their list. That, of course circles back to our discussion regarding honesty and lying. Once again, bottom line is that Hosts present themselves on CC, and similar sites, to make $$$, otherwise they would use free friendship/dating sites to meet new and diverse peoples. Call it for what it is, do not delude yourself into thinking that it is other than a business arrangement.
I have absolutely no problem paying for the time of a Host.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

ohhhh my dear EDGE...R!!!!
COme life in ukraine - u will dont need ask why she or any here ,, i think u will here to WITH us(hosts)
else (about me) i realy sometime ask myself to ''why i here''?
sometime i have many answers but sometime cant find anyone with real sense,


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

But you make the most sense to me when we chat, :)


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Of course, you can ask me any questions. Although, I have already answered this question many times both on the forum and in chats and in letters .... I make money here. I would like to add "like everyone else", but I will not tell for others. Moreover, when I signed up for CC, money was not the first item on the list, it was the only item. Later, when I started communicating here on a regular basis, I saw other advantages in this work. But you are absolutely right, if I was looking for a relationship, I would look for them at other resources. Do you know at least one host in non-adult categories that does not charge per minute? I once wanted to try, for the sake of experiment, put 0 per minute - the system did not allow me to do this, the minimum allowable price is $ 0.9 per minute. But in fact, I do not understand the subject or the reasons for our dispute now (if it can be called a dispute) - I am not forcing you to build a relationship here. I am not denying that hosts are interested in income. I'm just saying that nothing prevents me from sincerely treats my guests while I am earning. And men should not convince themselves that where there is money, there can be no sincere relationship. You probably have a business or some kind of business relationship in real life - there
money is the primary goal too but at the same time you have sympathy and respect for some of the partners but not for other, with some of the business partners, you can become friends, and some of your friends regularly invite you to business breakfasts and lunches in order to sell you something .... This world is always about money ... it is material - this cannot be denied. But when you yourself are capable of sincerity and honesty, regardless of whether there is a money interest for you or not, then it is easier for you to believe in sincerity towards yourself ...


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I have noticed on occasions some hosts offer free video chat to introduce themselves and get to know the member better before offering some extras in the paid video.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Perhaps ... to be honest, I don't know how this can be done on this site. There is a function "Free Teaser VideoChat" here ... But as far as I know, there is no way to set the price to 0. And this is good in my opinion))))


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I think, too, what made your original post all the more entertaining to me, is the Predictabiility of the responses. Whether they are truthful or not, whether or not they express the responder's true feelings, they follow a pattern here.

It's like meeting someone on the street: "Hi, how are you?" -- while never even slowing down to actually hear the response. And the response, "Fine, thank you," -- while all the while the responder is dying inside and really wants to say, "Oh my life is hell! If only someone would stop to listen." But no one really does want to stop to listen. We want only our predictable responses.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Sorry, it's time for me to dwell on this topic, especially since your comment was not addressed to me, Phoenix, but I promise that after this answer I will definitely stop))
When I started communicating on this site, I noticed that many men, entering the chat, immediately wrote their name, age, country. And I always thought that this was a manifestation of courtesy on their part - after all, the hosts do not see the guest profiles. Now I'm thinking: maybe it's just a desire to predict the upcoming questionnaire questions, to reduce the time and the number of "nice" received?)))
And about our gravity towards predictable answers ... I think this is everyone's choice ... Formal greeting rituals help create a sense of benevolence, which is only the context, not the essence of what is happening. And what is happening to us is the responsibility of each of us. Imagine what chaos would reign in life if we stopped on the street, on the way to work, to the store or to the hospital / pharmacy and listened to about the hell of everyone who would like to share them ... But on the other hand, now our life is not much better from the fact that there is a huge number of people in it, whose hell asks to moove outward ... there is nothing good from this either for these people themselves or their environment, but until a person takes responsibility, until he decides for himself that I feel bad, but I want me to be good and ready to do something for this, until he goes to a psychologist and figure out what is really happening to him and why - no one can change the current state of affairs ... or until a person takes the bother to deal with their circumstances or organize their personal budget ... Here sometimes men go into a category "Make new friends" and ask, what am I doing in video chat? I communicate, I answer ... To which the man says: I do not want to communicate while I am paying. So why does he enter the category where there is a fee for communication then? What is he counting on? That someone will take responsibility for meeting his needs, change all the existing rules in order for him to feel good? It seems to me that in most situations we are counting on this ... And naturally we don't get it ... And life as a result becomes such pain that I'd rather sink into the illusion of predictable questions and answers ...
Well, I take a vow of silence, at least in this thread)))


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

Thank you Phoenix. As you can see by my replies, I was bored again this morning.


RE: Feeling cynical today and bored

I see you have been here long enough to have memorized the culture of this place and the camhosting experience. So have I and I recognize so much of what you wrote.
There is sometimes almost a ritualistic aspect to human interactions. Not just here but in all of life. It reminds me of two dogs meeting each other (without the sniffing part) where they check out each other and their intentions.
In "real life" we may shake hands, smile, pat each other on the shoulders. Or perhaps if we are from an Asian culture we gently bow. And of course eye contact and perhaps a gentle smile.
Anyway it can become easy to be a tad bit cynical. I tend to fall into that trap when I am in a certain mood.
If you can break out of the rituals we all use here I hope we all can find a real connection with each other.


Tall Giant Dominatrix

Its my dream to serve a tall dominatrix
Open thread





RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

short guy tall Domme what could possibly go wrong


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

that was supposed to be humorous not disrespectful.. a domme in high heels towering over me would be hot..but any size lady is hot.. can be overpowered physically or emotionally


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

In high heel i would over 190 cm))


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

i am 170 lol


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

that is thoughts-provoking...


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

to be honest online not sure size is really relevant lol


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

to be honest, for me is more than relevant


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

just thankful for dommes period


RE: Tall Giant Dominatrix

Ukristy4sub is the ultimate Tall Mistress. She has towered over me having me, has me leaking all over, and completely dominates me.


Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Hello everyone! )))
This topic knocks to me from different sides ... I myself thought about it and discussed it with the hosts, and the members sometimes hinted about the "decency" of this work. But when one of the members proposed this topic for discussion on the forum, I realized that it is relevant not only for girls. This time I will be short)))) And so, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think about this, how do you feel about this issue?
Open thread


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

I have not mentioned to anyone I am a member here but no one has asked me either. It is not common for friends to ask what website I go on nor do I ask friends what they do on the internet. If another man asks me what I do to meet girls I would share this site with him.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

only those closest to me (except children) know about my work. but if someone from my acquaintances sees me here, I will not make excuses


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

If I were your acquaintance I would meet you here for sure. That would be incredibly hot !!!


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Hello. Its very intresting topic, honestly
As for me, i do not hide nothing from my friends and family. Friends know all, family only some part
And even to new people in my life i will tell the truth. Nothing to hide to shame in this. If you are a webmodel - need to understand and accept it first, then others will do the same. If not- this is ood chance to see who is your real friends or no


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

There is an old saying, "Everyone has secrets." A study in published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, indicates the average person is keeping 13 secrets right now. Five of them are secrets they've never told another living soul. These stats come from a paper which looked at more than 13,000 secrets over 10 different studies. Based on this you would have to say having secrets is normal. They identified 38 common categories of secrets that people keep about themselves, ranging from infidelity and illegal behavior to pregnancy and planned surprises for others. And those categories held up across study populations, which included participants drawn from the Amazonian tribes to random picnickers recruited from New York City’s Central Park. Common categories include cheating on tests, stealing, drug & alcohol use, eating,and abortion. And of course pertinent to this place sexual matters such as having an affair to fetishes are just a few more of the types of secrets we keep. There is evidence that "sharing" a secret with a trusted friend may lighten the burden and also creates bonding between people. Full disclosure, my participation as a member here is a secret.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Thank you pete, I hope you feel better now.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

We now have a bond....tenuous though it may be. :) Live long and prosper seemsreal.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

mine too


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

My wife knows that I chat with women online with various women from Ukraine and other countries and does not care (it's complicated).
Nobody else knows and it's nobody's business.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Hi again, dear ones .... I want to tell "my friends", although I am not familiar with some of you at all, but you say very close things to which I already want to react. At first I wanted to wait for more answers, but I'm afraid that later I might miss something from what is said already. Thanks to everyone who shared their opinions! Strange or not, but I share each of them)) But I'll start with an entertaining study. Thanks Pete! I probably would never have known about it)) Our science loves so much to describe and classify everything ... and then what? There are a huge number of very different secrets, people have many secrets, so - consider this the norm! and share with your close friends. Society is comfortable when its members have secrets. People with secrets are always more manageable ... Therefore, this is a very useful trend for society - "secrets are the norm, and if this makes you feel bad(and it should... because this is norm but some kind of sick) share with your friends". I do not consider secrets to be the norm... The presence of a secret is always suppressive, always accompanied by a feeling of fear and anxiety, and this greatly contributes to controllability, but very much interferes with feeling happy. Moreover, this feeling of depression most often arises among those with whom they shared a secret, and also makes people dependent on each other ... In a community like CC, I don’t think that there is anything terrible to share secrets, but in real life , what I said above may take place. The second question is what is considered a secret? In the study, everything was swept together - even a surprise is called a secret! We often call a surprise “little secrets” at the philistine level, but from the point of view of psychology, they are completely different things. If secrets evoke feelings of overwhelm, surprises are exciting. I absolutely agree with Smarty and Babedoll and Paul - these are not so much secrets as adequate prudence .... as they say: "Who is a bore? A person who, when asked how is he, actually begins to tell how he is doing")))) Why reveal all your under-the-hood, to the first person you meet, or even to your acquaintances ... but all this is relevant with such an attitude to the issue, as described by AmIHereForYou - this is the position of a free person who accepts and is responsible for his choices ... such a position, there is not even a need to do some shameful things and in general it is difficult to find some shameful things ... But even in our community we hide our eyes at the word fetish and ridicule certain varieties of it. For some reason, no one is so outraged if someone love salted cucumbers with honey or any other appetences in food are not considered fetishes, and things that increase the appetite in sex are called fetish by everyone and whisper about it ... I don't know, honestly speaking, have I added something new to this discussion, probably all this was already read between the lines in the previous comments. I just want to hope or wish Pete and Doug that what they do not tell anyone about their being on this site is not perceived by them as one of 38 types of "secrets", but rather as their own free will, since they have absolutely the same right not to tell anyone about your personal life and your passions, as well as to have this very personal life with their passions ...


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Salted cucumbers with honey??? What? Is this a thing? Who knew? Hmmm...... Unlike many of the fetishes so often on this site I will give this one a try. It falls under the category of "you never know if you don't try." Some things alas I will never try. :) Be well Sofia. Thanks for the contributions.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Never say never ))) Thank you too, Pete )))





RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Sure! After all, you are not only Beauty, but also Shy, so you don't tell everyone everything)))) But seriously, thanks for another example, in my opinion, of an adequate attitude to this issue!

But maybe someone has a different attitude to this question? It would be great if you could share it with us too.


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

I shared it with one collegue 5 years ago or so, we are both single and around 50 and we did have both Romanian ladies under 30 as facebook friends. So, the math was easy. We talked about that we both loved this world, talked about the difference of the sites. One thing we did not do, exchange favorites. Never explicit said it, but it seems we both are not so good in sharing )))


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

An interesting experience ... Thank you for sharing with us)) well, probably, in real life, men also not directly discuss the details and nuances of their intimate life ...


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

knowledge is power.. being here is freedom to express things one might not otherwise do. even being a bit vulnerable to a girl here


RE: Do you tell friends and family you work here or visit CC as a member?

Yes, it's great that there is such a place!



Open thread


RE: what is the way to man's...?

that is a falsehood. Many guys love a lady that can cook, but finding the one niche that a man lovesis the key to winning his heart. Whether it is the way she engages with him, or her smile, or how she likes to interact with him in the bedroom. There's many options


RE: what is the way to man's...?

Why to man's? the way to me is through the stomach :D:D:D





RE: what is the way to man's...?

And a man whom a woman fed deliciously may then agree to take an exam in geography instead of her))) But to feed deliciously is also the right food, and the right food, as the Greneker noted, is different for every man ... I think we feed men the right food here )))))) And I'm joining Ladymodel - I also love sweets)))))))


RE: what is the way to man's...?

That is funny! thank you!





RE: what is the way to man's...?

once a man told me :''if a wife meets her husband from work in stockings (only in them), then even raw dumplings for him will be very tasty!''.
if a man eats in a restaurant - it's not cheating.
but it would be ideal if the husband encouraged his wife to bake for him in stockings every day!


RE: what is the way to man's...?

You can feed me dumplings babe.In your house they would be raw because you never leave your bed. :-)


RE: what is the way to man's...?

u not Vegan?


RE: what is the way to man's...?

anyway ....babe can feed only her husband and kids !

u are my.....?








RE: what is the way to man's...?

I dont cook, and it was never a problem)


RE: what is the way to man's...?

To sit in the kitchen sometimes for soooo long only to eat what was made in 5-10 min ? Thanks but no thanks . Not my time of spending time .There is always a good place to go out and eat or to order !


Is that right ?

the higher the love, the lower the kisses?
Open thread


RE: Is that right ?

Ask Teddy


RE: Is that right ?

You stole my answer :-(


RE: Is that right ?

Upper preparation for a lower invasion, leading to further penetration with fast acceleration.


RE: Is that right ?

Excellent! )))


Rules and Etiquette for Nudist Colonies.

1. No Lingerie, Underwear, or Suggestive Attire
2. You have to carry a towel
3. Being naked doesn't mean getting it on
4. Do not stare at people
5. Make sure you're actually at a nudist colony
6. If you get aroused cover-up
7. You aren't allowed to take photos.
8. Pool Etiquette: NO SWIMSUITS, shirts or any other cover are allowed in the POOLS or HOT TUBS
9. Pets: Pets are only permitted in specified pet rooms
10 Do not feed the alligators.
Open thread


RE: Rules and Etiquette for Nudist Colonies.

lol, you saw that new show on netflix? :))


RE: Rules and Etiquette for Nudist Colonies.

No not aware of a show on Netflex.



Open thread





RE: sup



RE: sup

Chiken soup ???


RE: sup

wifey making?


RE: sup

Another stimulating, intellectual, articulate, well thought out Forum thread


RE: sup

Ofc . Always ! Only ! Stimulating, intellectual, articulate. Making chiken soup for husband ( naked ofc ) thats always stimulating, intellectual, articulate. :)
