General Forum


Many girls told me, that I am the only one who gives tips. Of course I am sure that there are girls who are showered with tips. But most of the girls are not even given by men 10$. Why are you dudes not giving? is it really so difficult to give at least a cocktail as a token of gratitud?. You will not become poorer from $ 10 to make you fav smile.

Open thread



I agree. Also I would like to see these changes but I won't hold my breathe....

1. Make it easier for members to send gifts. Why does it have to be a separate debit card transaction? It's not that
way at other sites.

2. Okay, If $10 is a little too strong for many of the cheapskates here make it possible to tip a smaller amount like $3. I think in the end
the hosts will come out ahead.

3. Make it possible to give tips/gifts in the Community Chat room in real time.



In Fact , when you tip 10$ to host , she will receive only 6 $ ^ ^



yes, most know that and there's nothing that can be done about it.



This is why I dont give gifts. If I give a gift I expect the lady to recieve all of it,and not for cc to help themselves to almost half of her gift.



You know they also take half when you chat with a host in paid chat, right? Do you not do that either?



I've asked this question a long time ago.
My understanding from the hosts it's better financially to spend
time talking. CC could confirm this but probably won't
IMHO if the customer wants to show appreciation CC should take a minimum cut..






Agree, to make it working better, need to make it more native and easier to use.
I also think it will work better if CC make a different range of amounts from 3$ till 20$ (for instance 3, 5, 7, 10, 12,15,18, 20) and rename it to tips instead of gifts. The word "gift" sounds pretty strange for the site that provides paid services, as the gift assumes some kind of mental involvement and the tip is simple extra material reward, that suits more for the moment. And it will be better if after the video chat a viewer will have a notification like "Do you want to leave tips? " , coz I noticed that some of viewers are not even aware of such option.
And yes - one total transaction for both - the video chat + tips, not separated as it is now.



holy man ;)))



or women .... lol



the guys like diversity rather than getting "committed" to someone, its just not the proper place for that. and even if they do they are forced to tell their faves a different story. theyd rather try a new flavor every day I get it I am the same about other types of entertainment :)



yep, so much candy here !



Feels like the cheapest of bragging. Why would anyone in his right mind start a thread where he states that he is the only one to give tips?

But the case is easily solved: he who accuses others of being a cheapskate, while he is the most generous one on earth, is the real and only cheapskate on CC.



What is your problem? im talking about MY FAV . And im the one who give to MY FAV. If you give thousands to YOUR FAV, im happy for you.



You actually said "many girls" in your opening statement.



yea i have many fav girls. nevermind.





There are some members who don't know about this option coz they focused on the cam or maybe hands are busy at the moment LOL (coz I taught some guys to find this feature). I'm a good tipper in my life, but if I'm not happy with some service I will never tip even 1 penny.


Community Chat

I was curious to know why many hosts and members do not communicate in the community chat. I like making new contacts in the chat room. Many times I end up in a video with the girl.
Open thread


RE: Community Chat

All ignore my messages in main room. So I send PM)))


RE: Community Chat

comm chat is not what it used to be...i remember years ago it was so much fun..


RE: Community Chat

Only few members are answering in comm chat I am thinking maybe they already have their fav host...


RE: Community Chat

The community chat isn't the same as it used to be, and the general level of everything isn't the same.
It is worse.





RE: Community Chat

its mostly the same guys, sometimes they change the user names.
they make the same jokes in a loop. you just kinda of feel like an outsider because they developed their own language :)


RE: Community Chat

you must be living in alternate cc


RE: Community Chat

oh I did check on the chat recently and I believe like a year ago it used to be much more animated and the conversation was diverse. I enjoyed that CC universe :)


RE: Community Chat

I miss our conversations on cooking and exchanging recipes )) That was always fun )


RE: Community Chat

It's hard for you to say that you're an "outsider" when you've been a denizen of community chat for the better part of a decade...


RE: Community Chat

I think many host just "park" there in Community Chat. They are not really there, just in the room but not reading the chat or paying attention.

I'm told by one of favorites that she is just too shy to say anything in open chat. I told her that's silly, she speaks very good English and I highly doubt anybody would say anything negative to her for any reason. But she still won't chat, not even a "hello room".


RE: Community Chat



RE: Community Chat

I have often wondered the same thing. Only a small percentage of people there actually participate in chatting. Surely there are many reasons. Some hosts just have their name there as a form of advertising because some members will click on their profile. Some hosts never speak in public but PM members as a means of striking up a conversation that hopefully will motivate a member to move into a vid. Some...(and I have been guilty of this) forget I have the window to the chat room open when it the chat room is dead. I used to never understand why so many members go and never ever speak. And then, lo an behold I find myself using another nickname and doing exactly that. "Go figure." I am morphing into one of those members who just sits up in the corner and reading and not talking. :) And so it goes........


RE: Community Chat

I do that too :) guess thats part of getting old. Id rather listen and observe than engage.


RE: Community Chat

are the old men exhausted?
I MEAN ....
many years ago, when everyone got to know each other, it was very interesting.
now when the guys know each other more than enough - it's just too lazy to rock!
everyone sits and waits for who will start the chat first.
(this is how I see it)
the girl is shy - quite normal,AND polite
i think thats in the first from guys depens
how atmosphere in the chatroom.
girls come and see how act guys there -how they answer-and whats they answer
before say something first....


RE: Community Chat

its mostly guys sexting themselves extensively ;) doesnt feel inclusive :)) they do know each other well so theres that. I believe that most members are not aware of the chat. during the lockdown I wanted to make more online friends but thats not easily achievable on regular chat apps either.


RE: Community Chat

sorry to hear lady,
u looks kind person


RE: Community Chat

kind I am not :)


RE: Community Chat

I always thought you were very interesting in the chat, not just dull topics like many there :)


RE: Community Chat

tnx you Jim .
thanks you for in any ur mood u stay open and friendly with me and others ppls in open chat


RE: Community Chat

I have been told by two women who were in the "friends" category that the admin changed them to "a little shy" category now.


RE: Community Chat

u dont like shy friends?


RE: Community Chat

Yeah I like to meet girls in community chat first. And it's fun getting pm,s from random people.

Also guilty of changing my user name but I remember my old favourites.

Yes chat used to be better but I don't think the guys are wholly responsible here especially as there are many more hosts in the room

All just got to remember to chat


The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

I hope I am not stepping onto anyone's toes here. I am fairly new to camcontacts, but have used other camsites before.
There are two categories here that just confuse me. The "non adult" categories "Make new friends" and "long term or marriage". Many of the profiles (and reviews from users) are clearly not "non adult" at all, very much the opposite of it. I know, many profiles will just be made by a studio admin and the girl might not even be aware of what is written there.
So my question to the more experienced users here is, do the categories have any real meaning or are they more marketing and the less explicit categories aim at guys loving "hard to get" or the "girl next door" experience?
Open thread


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

lets just say some host take the catagory of "non adult" seriously and some do not...but yes from looking at comments in host profile or even their photos...does beg the question wtf :)


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Exactly. Maybe I am just overthinking this completely here but so far I've been avoiding these categories assuming I might even bring trouble to the girls just by asking what might be "stupid" questions. Even the harmless "what do you do in paid sessions?" would qualify as such for these categories IF the guidelines have any real meaning.
I just want to add, I've had similar experiences in the "adult" sections where the broadcasters clearly didn't know even one word of their profile or their show descriptions and realistically, unless camcontacts has a person in the cam room with them ripping their clothes off or making sure they do what's written in the profiles, there is no way to ensure it at all and it's fine.
It's just these two categories with very strict rules (if applied) that I find confusing.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Also the exchange of personal data is even forbidden on the site. "Long term and marriage" without this? I'm open minded but somehow it's kinda doubtful there is a future to such long term relations...


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

maybe if you ask cc really nicely that want to marry her...they will let you exchange phone numbers :P but seriously there are ways host and member exchange personal info...good luck :)


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

i have seen plenty of married girls in LTAM too


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Shocker, who would have thought?


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled



RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

From experience i know for some hosts the Make New Friends category is a kind of stepping stone, a way of getting to know us guests before getting naked in an adult category profile. My advise if you want to chat to a girl in that category, see if she has more than one profile.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Thank you, makes sense.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

The "non adult" categories just make it harder to tip or gift a girl. This is because you can't tip/gift real time while chatting in her room, that must happen outside her room.

There are plenty of girls in "non adult" side that will show all with very little encouragement and many in the "adult" categories that will not show anything for any amount of money.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Cannot confirm for the "non adult" section, but it is my experience from the "adult" section too. So I was wondering if the same applies to the "non adult" categories.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

The model is obliged to follow the rules and will not be naked in this category.
Don't worry, there are many other categories on the site to have fun. Don't stop at the "Make new friends" and "long term or marriage" categories.

Personally, I deleted my profile in the "Make new friends" category because the men who called me didn't read the rules and demanded to undress. I didn't want to be blocked for breaking the rules and just deleted my profile.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Now that is a very different kind of answer from the others given here, who basically state the categories should NOT be taken so seriously and more than "chat" can totally happen.
Also I did not say I visit the girls in the "non adult" categories. I have so far NOT visited them and partly, because I do not want to ask them for something that is against the rules here. All the while a LOT of profiles and comments clearly indicate it is very much "adult" being offered there.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

My friend who was here in the "Make new friends" category was blocked for undressing.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

MNF is actually my favourite category and I spend a lot of time there chatting with girls even though they dont get naked. Maybe thats because I am slightly older, but for me, having a connection with a girl is important. But it is true that all the girls I know in that category do say they are pressured to get naked from guests all the time - not just guests asking nicely, but actually demanding and being aggresive.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Dont want to write anything bad about rules, but are you sure cc watching for this?
Even when host make a profile in Make New Friends, cc write that No adult foto, even swimsuits, BUT lots of girls there have almost naked pics and its fine. CC does not delete and, as i know, never block for adult behavior in MNF
There are not so many girls online every evening and it may be one reason why some hosts change category. Increase chance to meet someone) No need to blame them, in category Little Shy over 300 girls each day and all of them want attention)


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

It is my observation that cc does enforce their rules if they are made aware of something. I have heard a host can be banned for adult activity in the non-adult categories but you got to have your thong twisted up pretty tight to complain about that. Seems rather drastic when they could just advise a host or studio to change categories, they are giving up income otherwise. They will kick you off for some things, though.


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

Hosts can also be banned for requesting money to be sent outside of CC...


RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

They go in MNF category so they have a valid excuse to ask for a 121 session to show something :))))











RE: The "non adult" categories...I am puzzled

You should have been here when they had the "ESCORT" category. That one will really blow your mind. I could never figure out if it was seriously designed to provide real escort experience -- and how to make such arrangements -- or if was just fantasy escort. Then again, I know of one site out of Britain which offers genuine escort options. But unlike the category here, there are specific procedures to follow in arranging a meeting. Here I dont' remember any such procedures, just the category.


"Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

Why would this be on an email when I can send emails to other hosts.

I still chat with the host who owns the account with this message and she says she doesn't know why either...
Open thread


RE: "Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

most likely you were blocked by the girl herself, or they placed a restriction on your region


RE: "Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

i dont believe a host can block emails from members...because a host "blocked" me yet still responded to my emails...i believe this means you are over your limit of daily emails to a certain host...but i could br wrong :)


RE: "Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

Actually, it kind of makes sense that they can block us, after all, we guests can block messages from hosts.

Maybe she has blocked messages from you without realising.I speak to a host regularly that doesnt seem to understand fully how the site works and has blocked herself out without realising :)


RE: "Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

I've seen the message. and I rarely message hosts, so I've certainly not exceeded my "daily limit" I always assumed it was because a host blocked a member or a region from seeing her or her profile, which then applies to emails sent as well.

Then again, now that I think of it, there was one host which had my region blocked and I was able to communicate with her via ccmail and asked her to lift the block. She wasn't even aware that the block was in place.


RE: "Your message cannot be delivered due to security reasons."

You have sent too many CCmails within a 24hr period with no reply. This is a spam software. You can try to send a CCmail in 24hrs and if you still face with the same problem with the certain host, she blocked CCmails from you. Block shows that you reach CCmail limit to send, and this is related to spam.


girl / boy section

where has it gone?
Open thread


RE: girl / boy section

Yes, this category of couples has disappeared from the list. Probably this category was not popular and CC decided to remove it. But you can write to CC support and they will answer you more precisely.



Here is the text from cc faqq section on gifts - CamContacts Gifts are a great way to show your appreciation to your favorite chathosts. CamContacts Gifts are virtual – they exist only in the world of CamContacts – when you send a chathost a Gift they’ll immediately see a picture of the Gift you chose and they’ll receive the corresponding monetary value of that Gift.

Can anyone confirm to me that this is actually true, ie if a gift of say $20 is sent, that she actually recieves that amount in full?
Open thread


RE: "gifts"

She actually recieves 60% of that amount :)


RE: "gifts"

That is unacceptable. When it says she recieves all of it in the faq section. I will be making a complaint.





RE: "gifts"

If this is...think about ather 'pages' who takes even more from our hard working.It is how it is unfortunately.CC still has nice share.Nice of you to care bout hosts share ;)


RE: "gifts"

the gifts here -it's kind of a tip.
did you know that when dining in a restaurant you want to leave a tip to a nice waiter - according to the rules, he divides your tip for the whole shift (cook, security, etc.)
the same thing here - for the fact that the ss has built up its programmers, administrators, etc., who has developed this function, those who monitor the security of your accounts 24 / day, for the Confidentiality of girls as well as guys, etc., you also need to share more correctly with all
are you not in agreement?


RE: "gifts"

Absolutely true :)





RE: "gifts"






RE: "gifts"

As everything in life, there are charges to be paid. I had asked CC customer service about the percentage the host would receive. By the way, even charity organizations take their share of the money they receive.


RE: "gifts"

well no matter of %, it feels nice when Ir eceive a gift, even that free one " thank you", dont u agree girls?


RE: "gifts"

Indeed Sandra :)
Gifts always makes us feel appreciated):


RE: "gifts"

Yes it is


RE: "gifts"

yes ! i always try to make gift to fav chathost. Its not hard to send gift even 10-20$ but it will make chathost smile. I dont understand why some men dont want to make smile their fav chathost.


RE: "gifts"

Bravo! Those are golden words! ;)


RE: "gifts"

unfortunately, not everyone understands this, and some are trying to save money on video chat, even


new here

Hi guys and girls;)
I'm new here and full of enthusiasm to fulfill your wishes)
Open thread


RE: new here



RE: new here



RE: new here

welcome to the site :)


RE: new here

Welcome and Good luck$$$!


Perfect host - who is yours?

What do you look for in a host? For me the best host I see on the site is Ladymodel - Great lighting, video and sound, works at home (lots of outfits to choose from) doesn't play annoying music, good price, Natural no tattoos (i wish she had kept natural breasts but i am not holding this against her) and lastly, she is attentive - she gives you all of her attention. All of this makes the perfect host for me. She is absolutely gorgeous.
Open thread


RE: Perfect host - who is yours?

888girl. If I had the money, I would spend hours with her. She is the most beautiful and fun girl on here. Her smile could light up a room.





RE: Perfect host - who is yours?

I agree with you Smart Beautiful you are fabulous





RE: Perfect host - who is yours?

I love your confidence


RE: Perfect host - who is yours?

Good looks but obviously something in there personality as well. A great smile is a killer !


Age - lets be honest

Lets be honest here, how many models here have been dishonest about their age?

Usually that means telling people you are younger than you actually are. I have often thought to myself "there is no way that model is so and so years old, and there is really no reason for her to lie. I am here allright, wouldn't be if I was not interested, so whats her age going to matter at this point?"

Any models here feel like being honest about this and why you are doing it?
Open thread


RE: Age - lets be honest

If you already understand this, what's the point? That hosts may have their own reasons and you need to know them, why? You are asking a host to divulge something here in an open forum that may very well go against their interests as a CC host. Just to satisfy your curiosity?


RE: Age - lets be honest

as far as I know the age of each model, you can see in her profile - this is the age that is indicated in her passport, we cannot change this - this is a function of the site that automatically changes every year on her birthday


RE: Age - lets be honest

There is always someone thinking there is a kind of conspiracy going on. This time it's about the age.


RE: Age - lets be honest

A wise woman once said instead of the John I call my bathroom the Jim that way it sounds better when I say I go to the Jim first thing in the morning.


RE: Age - lets be honest

Age is not important accurate looking photos are what the men want.


RE: Age - lets be honest

Some photos might be dated 5 years ago and that is one thing. Writing 20 years on a profile while you are 40 years old, I doubt it is possible.


RE: Age - lets be honest

u want know how long expiration date on my driver's license?
the 50 years - lol
i got they in my 26 -plastic card - and in my 75 if i still alife i still can used they
i think its there where can be real problem with pic and age


RE: Age - lets be honest

I don't think that is correct. I know one host, two accounts, two different ages. I know of another host, age was listed as 80. She looked amazingly, not a day older than 21.





RE: Age - lets be honest

Nice to know that you all have passports, now if I were only rich and single I would book a whole plane just for CC girls.


RE: Age - lets be honest







Open thread


RE: When do u go to CC more often?

i usually come in mornings before work to community chat and some after work :) but yes i mostly come everyday :)


RE: When do u go to CC more often?

For me it makes no difference. I am here all year round. Sometimes I take a weekend or a week of vacation.

But Viewer in the summer visit CC less, I think for various reasons (vacation, and spend more time outside while the weather is good).


When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

I want to give a few of my favorite chat hosts a gift soon. I am told that the pay day period is Aug 23rd, is that correct? What I would like to know
is when is the deadline that I can send gifts so that it will be included in their next payment?
Open thread





RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

I always admire men like you Paul !!!! I wish you good luck always and in everything !!!! Your girls are the happiest ladies !!!!


RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

I'm still not finding out the information I need. Obviously if I send a gift on the 23rd it won't be on the chat hosts' payment that same day, so is it 3 days prior? 4 days? Nobody seems to know. Maybe i can get this information from the admin if they will tell me.


RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

The Admin were kind enough to provide this information. So in order for it to be included on the 23rd's payment the gifts need to be made by midnight, August 22nd. This is valuable information for me to have.


RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

I wrote the answer to the second question, but for some reason it was not duplicated :(
Paul's salary for CC 2 times a month and yes the next salary is August 23rd.


RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

Every second Sunday 11:59 PM (GMT). This period ends on the 22-nd of August.


RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?



RE: When is the "cutoff" day for the chat hosts' next pay period?

Just hang out in Community, Goody makes announcements on when the period ends almost every night :)


Was there a purge?

Quite a few hosts are missing from my Favorites, it seems accounts without sign in for +1 year.
Open thread


RE: Was there a purge?

There must have been a purge. I only have 60 left in my favorites.


RE: Was there a purge?

I have been here since 2004, I had a complete history of favorites and the older ones are gone.


RE: Was there a purge?

There is a larger thread about this on the users forum.


RE: Was there a purge?

Where is it ?





RE: Was there a purge?

Thanks. That's kind of what I thought. Was there any mention of why this is the new practice?





RE: Was there a purge?

I have a host with two accounts who disappeared from my favorites and is not there anymore when searching and she was here about a month ago. Was a surprise to me.


RE: Was there a purge?

Not sure if its a coincidence, have also lost a lot of contacts who I have been speaking too in the last few days. Not sure if its a coinicidence or maybe there is something more go on, maybe a crackdown on the rules as well for those who breach room restrictions?


RE: Was there a purge?

46 last week. Down to 44 now. Finally figured which. One fairly regular, the other very regular with 3 profiles, now I only see 2.


RE: Was there a purge?

Spoke to the one with 3. She thought she was logged in, it seemed to her at first but when she looked after I told her, she said it said she needed to complete some age verification or needed to contact support otherwise the profile was not visible to guests. Weird though because she's almost always online with all 3. Why one and not the others?


RE: Was there a purge?

you can try me ;)






Curious if a host can tape you
Open thread



if she has a screen recorder sure...but are you that nervous? just dont turn on the cam mikey



OMG meaning many members are recording videos?








chat possibilities

Hi, is a girl able to deactivate open chat or 121 chat?
how to use chat with password, possible for open chat or 121 chat?

thx for answers
Open thread






Open thread


RE: AnitaBella is here

Welcome back, old friend :)





RE: AnitaBella is here

I feel very lucky to count myself among one of your new friends. You are stunning.





RE: AnitaBella is here

Would love to reconnect





Can Hosts tell if we looked at their profile?

I seem to get message in chat from a host whose profile I just looked at
Open thread





RE: Can Hosts tell if we looked at their profile?

Thank You


RE: Can Hosts tell if we looked at their profile?

I think you know if we look at prices (on the page where we choose to enter open chat or 121 chat) ?





RE: Can Hosts tell if we looked at their profile?

I have wondered the same thing. As soon as I open a chat host's profile I often get a message from her.





RE: Can Hosts tell if we looked at their profile?

my experience too


psychological advice?

I've chatted with a few girls here who originally were told that they would be here to offer "psychological advice".

Is that we're calling it now?
Open thread





RE: psychological advice?

I pity the person who depends on psychological advice from an untrained professional. A listening ear, maybe; a sympathetic (for pay) friend (for pay), maybe. But i can get that from my bartender too. Unfortunately, I can't get the same sexual fun from my bartender, even when she is a hot and sexy woman.





meeting a friend

although it might be illegal to the site and difficult because of covid Has anyone here ever meet anyone in person?
Open thread


RE: meeting a friend



RE: meeting a friend

constantly....any problems ?
have you





RE: meeting a friend

but what happens if it is a mutual desire. I respect your decision but after talking everyday for 6 monthes - to go to the mountains for some camping or meeting in Prague at a nice hotel (even 2 rooms) and the man will cover the costs. A friend asked me to join her in the mountains for a few days as she loves camping?
5 hours from where she lives...


RE: meeting a friend

There probably are people on here who have met in person, and personally, there are one or two women that I would like to meet face to face. However, I then ask myself, what would be the point in spoiling the fantasy. As practically all the women on here are hundreds of miles away from where I live, would I really want to travel that far to, at the least have a cup of coffee with, and at the most, have sex with? Especially when there are women 30 minutes away from me that I could have both with. Once again, just my thoughts and opinion.


RE: meeting a friend

u good student !!!lol


RE: meeting a friend

You know that if I were closer I would have coffee with you any day babedoll :-)





RE: meeting a friend

I've heard this type of proposal 10 times, 20 and more :) In the meantime, you are probably spending more time and money with this "friend." On the other side, if this is not your first meeting outside of CC, you should have learned to understand if that friend is a friend or a scammer :)

But in case you decide to take the plane, then a train and so on, have a backup plan.


RE: meeting a friend

yes, a few years ago. As for now, dont worry about covid. It is a total lie to introduce a plan called "the great reset" . Covid itself doesnt exist. The threat to peoples lives is government and the vax, which I would refuse at all cost.


Bored again

Regarding the "love" thing, mentioned in other posts. I think it depends where the person is at in their lives. As we know, there are a variety of reasons why we are here. I think many men. for there own reasons, are susceptible to the love thing. I am not sure many actually come here in search of love. Just because we treat a woman nice and they treat us nice does not mean that we should let our deeper emotions rise to the surface. I understand some are sucked into it, but they need to remember this is not a dating site it is a pay for time and thrills site. Yes, we should treat each other with basic human respect and decency, while also remembering that the relationship is a transaction. I doubt many women in the long term/marriage category are actually looking for a marriage partner, certainly not a man (or woman) that frequents a sex cam site. If I were rich and single would I like to hook up with some of the women here, sure I would, there are many beautiful, intelligent, and fun women here. But love is a different matter.
Open thread


RE: Bored again

Okay. You missed the point. The topic was codependency, and that was the context of my remarks. The "love thing" is often used to reinforce the sense of codependency, and that's why the "love game" can be so fraught.

Your views are conventional and apparently well-adjusted. Have fun and play responsibly.


RE: Bored again

The reason I started a new topic was because I did get the point and did not want to muddy the waters of the other thread.


RE: Bored again

Fair enough. Sofia's posts tend to create long threads.


RE: Bored again

Dear Edge, thanks for the respect shown to the other branches. And I would like to ask Seems to be not so categorical in his statements, since we all are here expressing our various opinions not in order to get another label on them)))) let's leave it for real life)))
I noticed two points in Edge's post: one - we should not allow our deep emotions rise to surface; and the second is about the fact that none of the women is ready to consider a man who is a frequent visitor of such sites as a marriage partner (by the way, this is just about codependency))).
In my opinion, very many, if not the absolute majority, ended up on this site precisely because they could not allow their deepest emotions go to surface in real life (it is not accepted in society, it will be too much for my loved one, etc.) , and these deep emotions were formed as a result of other earlier deep emotions, which for various reasons also remained unmanifested or unsatisfied ... I don't think anyone was born with the understanding that such sites are the coolest place for getting satisfaction ... Including me (as a host) appeared on this site perforce and initially experienced great resistance, and only in the process of communicating with you my point of view began to change. So, a person comes to this site as a result of suppressing his deepest emotions and here he further seeks to suppress these deepest emotions. As a result, for some time he runs around the rooms of different hosts (each is enough for a different time), and then this becomes boring and more and more boredom and melancholy begins ... a person moves from flirting and communication to fetishes, to bdsm, to various special forms of interaction and excitement, but over time he still has to look for something new. And all because the need itself (deep emotions) are ignored and suppressed. And regarding the second moment, I got the feeling that you yourself think that the fact you communicate on such sites is already a kind of label and such men cannot be considered as future husbands. Yes, as already mentioned in the previous thread, those who are ready to love, enter into a relationship, take responsibility are not particularly noticeable here. But, by the way, not all girls understand that their chosen one should be ready for this. It seems to me that it is still worth distinguishing between the concepts of love and the relationship between a man and a woman. Love is love for everything, when a person discovers the ability to love everything and everyone, then he himself is filled with that love that we all lack so much, because first of all, he begins to love himself in a real way, and not just to be selfish. And then, from this state, he can already look around and choose with which of the people he knows he would like to enter into a relationship and into what kind of relationship. And then there will be no danger even in the manifestation of their emotions on such sites, because a person will be free from any dependencies. It probably sounds utopian and theoretically ... I understand ... But please do not hide your emotions even the deepest here - if at least here you dare to show these deep feelings, you will begin to see them in a different light, this site can to be healing, not perverse.


RE: Bored again

As always Sofia I enjoy reading your thoughtful, articulate and enlightening posts. Thank you


RE: Bored again

Thank you, Edge, for giving a reason to think about it.


RE: Bored again

I apologize for the "categorical" nature of my quick reply. My mind tends that way when I am trying to define something and not allow another to box my answer in. But that certainly works both ways, and so to your point... this is an interesting topic in itself, and Edge you have shown yourself to be open-minded here also.

Sofia you posit an interesting evolution to a member's experiences here. I think the distance created by CC as a remote connection that enables relationships to develop in a "safe" way can be a barrier to deepening those relationships in the long run, because location, language, culture can be obstacles too great to overcome.

But I think you are right that an honest and deeply-felt relationship here can happen, and it can be a healing one, even if it creates hurt, if you can transcend that hurt and can see clearly. To give just one example.

And sometimes as I've said elsewhere the connection happens in the moment and leaves you stunned, having lost track of time or a sense of yourself. :P



Open thread


RE: for men only

Would that be called "harmonizing" (since your name is "Harmony")?



Hello to those not many, apparently, who are now staying here))) Despite this, I will still risk raising a rather serious topic that has become relevant to me myself. Someone can answer right now I hope, someone when he returns ...
I am now reading a book about codependency and codependence people (these are people who are dependent on people who are addicted to certain substances or habits) - a topic that is quite discussed today ... And I wonder what you think about this in the context of your personal life or in the context of the site ... After all, there are a lot of dependent people here also (it seems to me today it is very difficult to meet an independent person anywhere, not only here ...) and they have relatives who know or suspect about them addictions or are just very worried about them. Perhaps someone ended up here with us just as a result of their codependency ... Or maybe even we (chathosts) become codependent in relation to our members in some cases? ...
I am grateful in advance to everyone who takes the trouble to think and speak out about this. Thank you!
Open thread


RE: Codependency...

Perhaps it is best to initially define codependency. My sense is you are describing the person who via their dysfunctional relationship with another person ends up facilitating the other person's addictions, whatever they may be. My hunch is people who do this usually do not realize they are actually hurting their friend, family member or partner. The classic addictions that quickly spring to mind involve alcohol and drugs. But certainly there are many other self destructive addictions such as food, gambling or even working too much. And since we are at CC we need to mention addiction to sex as well. It seems likely to me that many here may be "addicted to sex." Some say there is no such thing as a sex addiction, but I would disagree. If you go to CC Community often enough for example you will sooner or later hear about what people call the "money slave." In this situation for example hosts consciously may take advantage of a member's unhealthy addiction to a host and rationalize the relationship by saying things such as, "No one forces him (or her) to be here." I would suggest this is a rationalization and does not speak well of the host's moral character.


RE: Codependency...

It won't surprise anyone who knows me as Mr. Bla Bla but I ran out of space on my prior response. :)

Anyway it works both ways. My understanding is that although men can fall victim to codependency, women comprise the majority of codependents, perhaps because women seem to be biologically a bit more "hard wired" for relationships than men in many respects. Once again thanks for the post Sofia.


RE: Codependency...

Thanks for the answer, NoOne! ))) Are you a multi-namemaker or is this actually your first post that I met here? )
In many ways I agree with you, but I want to clarify some points right away. Regarding the definition of a codependents: they, of course, contribute to the dependence of a loved one (since recovery from codependency is accompanied by an improvement in the situation of the addict), but in my opinion, the codependent initially attracts (seeks) an already addicted person and hurts not so much him, how much to hisself ... and, of course, does not realize it ...
"It seems to you that many here may be addicted to sex", but not you, of course? )))))) You're right, there are a huge number of very different addictions. Which one is inherent in you? ))) For example, I am quite obviously addicted to sweets (from what is on the surface))))) And also, I wanted to comment on the moral qualities of the hosts that satisfy the needs of slaves ... I think that we should not do such categorical conclusions, since everything is very individual. I myself have already experienced this on myself more than once - a very fine line - where is the needs of a member, and where is my own responsibility and my own choice.
And do you have anything to do with codependency in your personal life experience (here or in real life)?


RE: Codependency...

Although I enjoy answering many subjects brought up in the Forum , both contributors questions/answers are too long for me to address each and every point. The broad definition of Addiction "is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it is causing psychological and physical harm." My guess would be that a majority of people, hosts and members, on CC do not fall into the category of "addiction". Of those that maybe "addicted" I am guessing again that many are not "sex addicts". We are on CC for a variety of reasons, and as hosts will tell you, they come across a great variety of behaviors and activities throughout the range of human behavior.

Are we as members "codependent" on the hosts we frequent? It depends on whether the relationship is unhealthy for one or the other or both. I would submit that, although it drains my bank account, my interactions are fun and stress relieving, therefore not unhealthy for me.

So, based on the above, I do not consider myself to be "addicted" or "codependent" while engaged in activities on CC.


RE: Codependency...

If I was addicted to masturbation, and then became addicted to sex, would it be safe to say that my addiction got out of hand?


RE: Codependency...

LOL.u so addict perv!!!!!
WHO can stop my addict to blablabla.......?


RE: Codependency...

Are you the linguist, Smarty? Or are you a smart addict? ))) Or is everything always in your hands? )))


RE: Codependency...

Thank you for your answer)) You, as always, are a lover of balancing on the edge without falling in one direction or the other)))


RE: Codependency...

As always Sofia, you are the Mistress of word play.


RE: Codependency...

What else is left for me? You are not ready to play other games with me ...))))


RE: Codependency...

I am always ready for you. The problem is, you are never here when I am. :-(


RE: Codependency...

"Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite, et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis. Omnis enim qui petit, accipit; et, qui quaerit, invenit; et pulsanti aperietur."
I do not claim the authorship of these lines, but I will not dare to challenge either))


RE: Codependency...

I am definitely looking for the door.


RE: Codependency...

guilty as charged :( It manifests in many forms. None healthy for the mind or soul.


RE: Codependency...

I agree, rather we all are recovering)))))


RE: Codependency...

but if serios - i think all fault in dofamin
thats only one about we all here or not here addicted fo


RE: Codependency...

If seriously... If seriously, I think that all the fault is in finding the one in whom is fault for everything))))


RE: Codependency...

and everyone


RE: Codependency...

the answer of a true woman! ))))))


RE: Codependency...

Oh yes, a true woman indeed.


RE: Codependency...

Oh I know so much about codepency. But my english sucks to talk about :D


RE: Codependency...

I see my English is far from yours)))) and what is your native language?


RE: Codependency...

Your English is better than a lot of native English speakers :-)


RE: Codependency...

I have no special insight and fortunately am not in a position to have to make any sort of diagnosis about co-dependency. But it seems to me the connection between two people is everything. If you don't turn her into the object of your desire, create stories about your real or imagined relationship, you can just be with her and enjoy what happens. And maybe the connection between you will deepen into something you can't define.

A host-friend here years ago told me the most dangerous game on CC is the love game. Love is a blessing, not an obligation. Co-dependence is a forced relationship. You can't just decide to love somebody: it happens. Of course here it's too easy to mistake a sensation in the loins for love, but if you are self-aware enough you get through that. Especially when you make that connection, even once.

Thank you for the forum post Sofia.


RE: Codependency...

Very insightful Seems. And although I never thought of it that way, falling in love or even just getting a crush is both a huge thrill but also one of the bigger risks here. Like you I have always said it may be easy to confuse lust and love for many of us. I am not sure quite sure where that line that crosses over into co dependency is, but it clearly happens over and over. And because members pay for the company of hosts it is easily taken advantage of by some. And in regards to falling in love? It has been said many times and in many ways that it is really a form of insanity driven by hormones. As always "enjoy but play responsibly." I actually stole that quote from our local lottery officials but I do believe it works here as well. :)


RE: Codependency...

Hahaha pete, I like the lottery analogy. "Play responsibly"= watch your wallet. Of course there are other games to play here, not just the love game. Maybe it's easier if you have a fetish to pursue and satisfy, because then the "object of your affection" is clearly just an object of your lust.

Of course, maybe one day you will look up from the feet and fall in love with the face...


RE: Codependency...



RE: Codependency...

Hahaha yes! Of course, there's always personality to consider also... :))))


RE: Codependency...

APOLOGISE but u all here talk not about love -
about love t o self - yes - but love some other thats not about whats u try tell here -
i bad with english ,for expleine right - i find my things in youtub for help to expleine u
whats i try to say .
alse i would add ''love its to take the responsibility onself for someone '' i never meet thats here - alll u talk about thats about love to self and own feelings


RE: Codependency...

I agree with you for the most part, xxbabe. My host friend was talking about the love "game," not about love itself. The game is an illusion. And the connection two people make doesn't have to be about love. When two people really connect (even here on CC), it is about presence. It is about not being lost in your own dream, but instead paying attention to another. And it takes two to tango. If love happens in that situation (I think it can), it is almost by accident.

Those are just my thoughts on the subject, nothing more.

Thank you for your reply :)

And thank you for the link. Because it's in Russian, I'll have to figure out how to figure it out :))) But knowing it comes from you, I know it will be worth checking out.


RE: Codependency...

Sorry, I was absent for a while, it was not ignoring comments))) I'm glad that new members have joined)) And I absolutely support Babedoll (by the way, the video has subtitles in Russian only, the man speaks English so, Seems, to find out just click on the link and listen))))))
Both Seems and Pete wrote about how easy it is to confuse lust with love - Babedoll gave an exhaustive answer in my opinion - lust is to take, and love is to give. The only thing, I will add, it seems to me that "to love is to take responsibility for another person on yourself" - it`s fair rather in relation to men. Loving on the part of a woman is a little different. I also did not meet those who want to love here)) Judging by the comments, people create special love games to make this question not so scary, but even in the game, they are still afraid of this. On the one hand, the most desirable, and on the other, the most frightening state - to love.... At first glance, a strange paradox .. On the other hand, usually the most scary things are what are unknown. And a person is capable of voluntarily and sincerely giving only what he has in abundance. Therefore, there are no people willing to give, because it is not there is no abundance of it only, but by and large, most of us does not know what love is. This site is the perfect place to satisfy curiosity and experiment. Therefore, I would urge the members not to be afraid of any games and feelings or states (I will try to explain this in more detail in the Edge`s thread). And the phrase of the lottery officials I would be formulated "Enjoy playing consciously")))
And yet, it seems to me that we smoothly began to discuss not codependency, but the addiction itself, but I think it doesn’t matter - it’s important that we talk about what is important to us! Thank you all for this))))


RE: Codependency...

Aargh. I was thinking of another video that babedoll shared with me, maybe in comm chat, not the one she mentioned in her post. The video she mentioned here... making a distinction between lust and love...that seems straightforward.

But I was not necessarily talking about love when I mentioned making a connection, and perhaps I put emphasis on love because it can be so overwhelming a "connection." Often the interaction here is a transaction, simply enough: I want something from you, and you want something from me. It can be boobs and butts, or time and attention, dancing around a fetish, whatever. It is self-directed, as it were, and then we get whatever we can from the interaction.

But at times in your meetings you discover more, a sympathy of feeling & thoughts & disposition (and yes, even lust), and that can in turn lead to something else that you may have trouble defining. In my experience here it is unpredictable and rare, and it has led to the most memorable encounters I've had.

I'm veering off topic here but thought maybe this would be interesting.



Hello online playmates!

So I was thinking, maybe someone more then me in here is from Sweden?

I hope so!
Open thread

Group session

How would this work and who would be up for it?
Open thread


RE: Group session

it's kinda hard to get people organized for this, most come around at different times, so most group sessions happen randomly, by chance :))


RE: Group session

I could invite my sexy gf)


RE: Group session

Contact me, if you are interested:)


RE: Group session

I would think the logistics and organisation would be difficult to manage.
Sure, you could get all the users "signed up" for it, but how would you stop other traffic coming in and potentially breaking it up by going 1-2-1.

All 3 of you hosts already commented are stunning women, stopping those guests (passing traffic if you will) either coming in half way through, or as above going to 1-2-1 would be nigh on impossible unless all other users temporarily blocked for the group show, and that's not great for any regulars unaware of the group show.
I say this with absolutley no knowledge of being a host (or how it works now) , just a happy guest here.

good luck if you can get it done, certainly interesting, might be a new revenue stream?

Good luck if you can


RE: Group session

2 options: as i know, only the first member that came in video can take the model in one2one. or there are session with password. the model is online, but a member can get in video only if he has the password


RE: Group session

We are here very often to do it,,,
its easy organise
just need exactly know mmodels who u want to be with


New topic

No new topics here 2 weeks already. So why not?))
Open thread


RE: New topic

It seems to me that many are on vacation now and have stopped visiting CC :(


RE: New topic

it is possible:)
people are happy that lockdown is over and they should not stay at home all the time, so they try to compensate the time they stayed at home with spending their vacations:))))

by the way, how is it going the summer for everyone?


RE: New topic

Summer is going. Thats all :D I had mini holidays near the Black sea. Hope will have one more in August. Anyway cc is quiet now)


RE: New topic

Seems yes. CC is really quiet now. Hope they all will back after holidays soon)
