Hi, my name is Rebecca,
I am a very shy and soft, kind and dreamy girl.
I have a beautiful shape and long silky hair,
nature has gifted me with beauty
and I decided to share it with you:)
I like kind guys who respect women
and are not afraid to seem too nice
Let's get to know each other better?
I will be online (NY time): Wed 12am-08am, Thu 08am-03pm, Sat 08am-03pm, Sun 08am-03pm
I like to communicate with people and learn something new..
what could you teach me? :)
I like gentle kisses and touches, but I'm still very shy,
maybe you could help me open up here...who knows?
Humor, Kissing, Legs, feet & shoes, Lingerie & stockings, Make up, Nylons, Piercings & tattoos, Smoking, Strip-tease, Ask about my other interests
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